Wednesday, October 30, 2019
How Service Providers Ensure Consumer Retention Essay
How Service Providers Ensure Consumer Retention - Essay Example This is because it is only through customer retention that these service providers can gain a competitive advantage over other firms in the same industry. Nevertheless, the question is, how does these service providers ensure this? The purpose of this paper is to explore the strategies employed by service providers to ensure customer retention. One key element of customer retention is ensuring that customers are provided with quality goods and services (Buttle 12). It is noted that many service providers tend to strive towards the provision of quality good and services as a way of keeping their customers loyal to the company. This is because no single customer would be willing to come back to get the products or services of a company that they had previous been dissatisfied. Buttle notes that many customers would only be willing to remain loyal to those companies that provide quality products and services to their customers (14). This is one of the reasons as to why companies such as Walmart, Target and Kroger among others have large customer retention base. These retail shops attribute its customer loyalty to the fact that it provides better quality products and services, which has kept their customers coming again and again. Research shows that customer retention is not only based on provision of better quality products and services, but also on creating awareness on the existence of the products and services (Hennig-Thurau and Hansen 102). Many service providers are aware of this fact, and as a result engage on extensive advertising campaign to inform their customers of the existence of their products and services, as is the case with Walmart one of the largest grocery retail shop in the US. Walmart, for instance, does this through mailing list, local advertising, video marketing, email list and facebook among others. Customer retention is also very much dependent on customer service (Lamb 44). As a result, to ensure that customers remain loyal to the compan y, service providers always ensure that customers are provided with optimal customer service. This involves extending a helping hand to the customers all the time irrespective of the place and time. Technological advancement have made this easier to service provider as they can now do this through social media networks to keep in close contact with their customers as is the case with Target retail. This ensures that customerââ¬â¢s queries and problems are handled in time making them feel valued, thus building loyalty. In addition, many service providers ensure that those employed at the customer care desks are professional with etiquette, hospitable and able to handle their customers well. This is because these are the people who mainly come into close contact with customers first. They, therefore, their first impression with the customers can impact greatly on whether the customer will remain loyal or not. Take for example a situation where a customer makes an important call to the company and it is not picked by the customer care employee in time. Such behaviors makes customer feel less valued by the company and as such will seek the services of competitors who can handle them well. Making a customer feel special and valued is another factor that contributes immensely to customer loyalty. Many at time, customers prefer being valued and treated in a special way for them to remain loyal.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Female Education In Pakistan Theology Religion Essay
Female Education In Pakistan Theology Religion Essay Do you think education is important for the development of a nation? Napoleon Bonaparte said, Give me an educated mother, I shall promise the birth of a civilized nation. Education has a key role in the development of a country. As about half of the population of world is female, female education is as necessary as male education. We have seen in the history of the world that those nations are in the lines of leading developed nations who have educated their women and men equally. But unfortunately the situation of female education in Pakistan is not as good as it should be. Many organizations are working for its improvement. There are some major obstructions in the way of female education but the situation may be improved if some steps are taken with responsibilities. Importance of female education is obvious to everyone. Education of female is necessary for a society in many ways. Firstly educated mothers can educate children in a better way as compared to uneducated woman. She can understand the difficulties coming to students in seeking education. Secondly educated mothers bring up children with more care than uneducated woman. Moreover, Education gives girls and women power to decide about their life and life style. She knows how her right and can raise her voice for her right in the world. Lower female education has a negative impact on economic growth as it lowers the average level of human capital. If we look at the success of European countries, that is only because of their education system. They take education seriously the education of men and women equally. That is the only cause why they are developing so fast. But the situation in Pakistan is totally reversed people understand education necessary for men and not for women. The siFatuation of female education in Pakistan is not satisfying. According to Pakistan Social and Living Measurement survey 2008-2009, the literacy rate of women was only 45%. The rate was 41.75% in 2004. It means the rate was increased only by 3.25% in the duration of five years. It is very disappointing as compared to any other developing country for example India which has the female education rate of 74%. The ratio of female to male education which is 45 to 69 is not good too. The situation is worse in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and Baluchistan in which female literacy rate is 31% and 23% respectively. The ratio of female to male education in these provinces is 31/69 and 23/62. The situation is alarming in the country especially in the provinces mentioned above. According to Pakistan educational statistics 2006-2007, there are total 64,309 and 46,270 schools for boys and girls respectively. The number of mixed schools is 36,112. While the situation of Khyber pukhtoonkhwa and Balochista n is especially worse. There are only 8,016 girl schools in KPK while the number of girls school is 2,898 in Baluchistan. The statistics shows that the situation is highly alarming for the development of Pakistan we should improve the situation otherwise the dream of success of Pakistan will not be fulfilled. There are some problems occurring in the way of female education in Pakistan. Religious misinterpretation is one of them. Some people consider female education against religion so they do not let their daughters get education. They are afraid that girls will become liberal when they are educated. In some areas of Pakistan extremism (so called Islamic extremists) badly affected female education. Many girls school were destroyed in the current wave of extremism in the country. Girls were not allowed to go to schools and colleges. Malala Yousafzai, a 14 year girl who raised her voice for the education of girls was attacked by the extremists. Lack of knowledge about the importance of female education is another obstruction. People dont consider education important for woman. They dont feel woman can take part in social life after getting education. They consider the job of woman limited to home. In some areas culture does not allow woman to seek education. For example, the tribal areas o f Pakistan where woman are not allowed even to go out of their home. Society does not allow girls/women to develop their human capabilities by precluding them from acquiring education. Lack of emphasis on the importance of womens education is one of the cardinal features of gender inequality in Pakistan. Chaudhry, I. Rahman, S. (2009). As for as Islam is concerned, it is the most accused religion about gender inequality. Dr. Raheeq Abbasi, secretary general Minhajul Quran International states that this is a sad accusation made upon Islam while knowledge is one of the basic pillars on which the building of Islam is raised. This is a fact that the first revelation upon the holy prophet contained the word read. There is no disagreement within Islam regarding the seeking of knowledge being binding and obligatory. He states that the there are more than five hundred verses in the Holy Quran which highlights the importance of seeking of knowledge. ( Abbasi, 2009 ). Islam has its clear concept about education. According to the Holy Quran, Say: Can those who have knowledge and those who do not be alike? So only the wise do receive the admonition. [Al-Zumar, 39:9.]. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said, Acquisition of knowledge is binding on all Muslims (both men and women without any discrimination). [Narrated by Ibn Maja in al-Su nan, 1:81 224.]. It is evident from the Holy Quran and Hadiths that there is no gender discrimination in seeking knowledge. Also study of the life of Holy Prophet shows that he made special arrangement for the education of women. But there are some conditions that Muslim women should follow while going out for education. In Islam woman is not allowed to go out without pardah. As stated in the holy Quran. And direct the believing women that they (too) must keep their eyes lowered and guard their chastity, and must not show off their adornments and beautification except that (part of it) which becomes visible itself. [Al-Nur, 24:31.]. In another place Allah says, O Prophet! Say to your wives, your daughters and the women of believers that, (whilst going out,) they should draw their veils as coverings over them. It is more likely that this way they may be recognized (as pious, free women), and may not be hurt (considered by mistake as roving slave girls). And Allah is Most Forgiving, E ver-Merciful. [12 Al-Ahzab, 33:59.]. Many organizations are working for the development of female education in the country. In government sector Federal and Provincial ministries are active to develop female education. Schools are being constructed for girls in the areas where needed. Some schemes are being evolved in girls schools to persuade girls to seek education. For example, books are distributed free of cost up to high schools. But this is not fulfilling the need. The announcements are often not brought to action. Education has only 2% in the total budget of the country. Moreover some Non-government organizations are also working. These NGOs are arranging seminars and functions all over the country in order to make people aware about the importance of female education in Pakistan. They are also distributing free textbooks, other general knowledge books, sports equipments and even food for in the school girls in order to persuade girls to schools. There are some difficulties for them to them. Some local religious leaders do not allow them to work in their areas. They think their policy is to make people away from religion. Therefore people are directed not to contribute with them in the cause as they are carrying people away from the religion. Some local organizations are also working for cause Alkhidmat foundation, a local Islamic NGO is working for female education. It gives scholarships to the needy students all over the country. The situation of female education can be improved if some bold steps are taken. First of all teachers and students should play their role in the cause. This may be done by making people aware about the importance of female education by arranging seminars and function around the country especially in the rural areas. Secondly religious scholars should take part in this cause. As religious misinterpretation is one of the major obstacles in the way. People do not have clear idea of religion about female education. They should tell the clear idea of religion about education especially female education and also the conditions for female to go outside home to seek education. Next, Government should take some steps to improve the situation. Government has to make awareness in people regarding female education. It should construct girls schools in the areas where there the number of schools is very low. As many people do not let their girls get education in co-education system. There should be complete separate schools and also female staff for the girls. As Education has only 2% in the annual budget. Government should spend more on education in their annual budgets. The non-government organizations working for female education also have to play their role in the cause by making awareness in such a way that people would not consider it against their religion. Special attention should be given to the areas where the situation is alarming. It is obvious from the above discussion that the situation of female education in Pakistan is much lower than the need of the time. Females are not given the right of seeking education. There are many obstructions in the way of female education which include religious misinterpretation, current wave of extremism in the country and lack of knowledge about the importance of female education, many organizations are working for the improvement of situation in government as well as non-government sectors. The situation can be improved if every individual play its role with responsibility. Teachers, students, religious leaders and scholars, government and non government organizations can make it better if they know and fulfill their responsibilities. Abbasi, DR. Raheeq, (2009). Women Education In Islam. 1st ed. Pakistan: Minhaj Ul Quran International. Chaudhry, I. Rahman, S. (2009). The Impact of Gender Inequality in Education on Rural Poverty in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Issue 15, 2009.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Defect in Nurturing in Mice Lacking the Immediate Early Gene FosB Ess
Background to the Project In early 1995, an M.D-Ph.D student, Jennifer Brown, was breeding mice with an inactivated form of the gene FosB. With the inactivation of the gene, healthy pups from the mutated mice died quickly. Observing this occurrance, Brown found that the mother mice ignored her offspring. From this discovery, Brown proposed that the inactivation of the immediate early gene FosB causes a defect in the nurturing behaviors of female mice. To prove this, Brown bred a series of knockout mice with the inactivated FosB gene. She then observed the nurturing behaviors of the knockout mice and compared them to those of the normal mice. The Test Results FosB Mutant Development and Abnormalities: FosB mutant homozygous females were born and developed as any normal mouse, but were ten percent smaller than wild type mice. When the fosB homozygous females were mated with fosB homozygous mutant males, the resulting pregnancies were normal and carried to term. However, twenty-four to fourty-eight hours after delivery, the mortality rate of the pups was in excess of fifty percent. The high occurrance of lethality could be attributed to either the mutant mothers, the mutant pups, or both. To isolate the cause of the high mutant pup mortality rate, heterozygous males were mated with homozygous females and vice versa. As a result, it was found that the number of surviving pups in any given pregnancy relied primarily upon the genotype of the mother, and was independent of father or pup genotype. This supports the idea that the survival relies heavily on the nurturing ability of the fosB mothers. Physical Trait Analysis: To isolate the defect in the mother that contributed to the death of her pups, a physical trait ana... ...aper think that this is involved with the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is located in the brain stem. The gene mutation did not effect any other functions of the mice. This indicates that FosB is exclusive to nurturing behavior. The discovery of the functions of the FosB gene in mice could lead to similar discoveries for the human genome. Ethical ramifications of such discoveries are a hot topic in current scientific society. What questions might be raised by such a discovery? If this gene does exist in humans, should people with mutated alleles not be allowed to raise their children? Should it be corrected in some way by science? Is having a mutated gene an excuse for child abuse? Is it a defense in court? The answers to these questions are not clearly defined, but there are several sources of information for the public to access before making up their minds.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Pythagoras Theorem and Financial polynomials Essay
Pythagoras Theorem and Financial polynomials Introduction à à à à à à Ahmed and Vanessa have interest in locating a treasure, which is buried. It is my responsibility to help the two locate it. First, I will help them locate it by the use of Pythagorean quadratic. As per Ahmedââ¬â¢s half, the treasure is buried in the desert (2x + 6) paces form the Castle Rock while as per Vanessaââ¬â¢s half she has to walk (x) paces to the north then walk (2x + 4) paces to the east. According to the Pythagorean theorem, every right angled triangle with length (a) and (b) as well as a hypotenuse (c), has a relationship of (a2 + b2 = c2) (Larson & Hostetler, 2009). à à à à à à In Ahmed and Vanessaââ¬â¢s case, I will let a=x, b =2x+4 and then c=2x+6. To follow, will be my efforts to put the measurements above into the real Pythagoras theorem equation as follows: X2+ (2x+4)2=(2x+6)2 this is the equation formed out of the Pythagoras Theorem X2+4Ãâ"2+16x+16 = 4Ãâ"2+ 24x+36 are the binomials squared x2 & 4Ãâ"2 on both sides can be subtracted out. X2+16x+16 = 24x +36 subtract 16x from both sides X2+16 = 8x+36 now subtract 36 from both sides X2-20 = 8x X2-8x-20=0 I will use to solve the function by factoring using the zero factor. (x-) (x+) the coefficient of x2 Application and selection from the following (-2, 10: -10,2: -5,4; -4, -5) In this case, it seems that I am going to use -10 and 2 is as per how the expression looks like this (x-10)(x+2)=0 X-10=0 or x+2=0 creation of a complex equation x=10 or x=-2 these are the two probable resolutions to this equation. à à à à à à One of the two calculated solutions is an extraneous solutions, as it do not work with such sceneries. The remaining solution I only have is (X=10) as the number of paces Ahmed and Vanessa have to accomplish to find the lost treasure. As a result the treasure is 10 paces to the north 2x+4 connect the 10, now its 2(10)+4=24 paces to the east of Castle Rock, or 2x+6= 2(10)+6=26 paces from Castle Rock. Financial polynomial à à à à à à For the case of financial polynomials, I have first to write the polynomial without the parenthesis. Following the above, I have to solve for p= 2000 + r = 10% for part A and then solve for p= $5670 + r = 3.5% for part B, without the parenthesis as follows: P + P r + P r2/4 (the original polynomial) to reach this I followed the following steps: (1 + r/2)2 This is because it looks as if it is foil P(1 + r/2) P (1+r/2)(1+r/2) After the two equations I combine like terms. Because I am multiplying by 2 on r/2, it cancels out both 2ââ¬â¢s and I then get left with is r as follows; P(1+ r/2 + r/2 + r2/4) P(1 + 2(r/2) + r2/4) I then write in descending order (P + Pr + Pr2) To solve for P=2000 and r=10% the following follows; P + Pr + Pr2/4 2000 + 2000 Ãâ"(0.10) +2000Ãâ" 0.1024 2000 + 200 + 5 = $2205 P(1+ r/2)2 2000Ãâ"( 1 + .10)2 2000Ãâ"(1.05)2 2000Ãâ"( 1.1025) = $2205 For part B I will solve for P=5670 and r= 3.5% P + Pr + P Ãâ"(r2/4) 5670 + 5670Ãâ" (0.035) + 5670 Ãâ" 0.0352 5670 + 198.45 + 1.7364375 = 5870.1864375 This is approximately ($5870.19) The problem 70 on page 311 has the following steps; (-9Ãâ"3 + 3Ãâ"2 ââ¬â 15x) à · (-3x) The Dividend is (-9Ãâ"3 + 3Ãâ"2 ââ¬â 15x), and the Divisor is (-3x). The Dividend is (-9Ãâ"3 + 3Ãâ"2 ââ¬â 15x), and the Divisor is (-3x). -9Ãâ"3 + 3Ãâ"2 ââ¬â 15x -3xAfter I divide -9 by -3 which equals +3. The x on the bottom cancels the x from the top. -9Ãâ"3 + 3Ãâ"2 ââ¬â 15x -3x -3x -3x -9* x*x* x I am now left with 3Ãâ"2 for the first part of the polynomial. -3 * x -9*x *x * x -3 * x I first divide 3 by -3, which equals -1 and the x from the bottom cancels out one of the xââ¬â¢s from the top. -9Ãâ"3 + 3Ãâ"2 ââ¬â 15x -3x -3x -3x 3 *x *x At this point I am left with -1x, which simplifies to just ââ¬âx, as the second part of the polynomial. Then -3 *x 3 *x * x -3 * x Then I divide -15 by -3, which equals positive 5, and the x on the bottom cancels out the x on the top, so you do not have any xââ¬â¢s to carry onto the answer of the equation. -9Ãâ"3 + 3Ãâ"2 ââ¬â 15x -3x -3x -3x -15 *x At this point I am left with only 5 for the last part of the polynomial, and the answer is 3Ãâ"2 ââ¬â x + 5. -3 * x -15 * x -3 * x à à à à à à The negative sign from the -3 x changes the plus sign in the equation to a minus sign, it changes the minus sign to a plus sign in the final answer, and the equation is in Descending order. Reference Larson, R., & Hostetler, R. P. (2009). Elementary and intermediate algebra. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin Source document
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Celta Assignment- Lesson from the Classroom
We are almost half way through the CELTA course and it is admirable that all of us have had such a tremendous growth curve. Personally, I know I have become much more confident about standing in front of a classroom full of students and talking about different aspects of English language. I discovered the very first day that it was important to establish a good rapport with the students and be comfortable talking with them.I learned it was also important to engage students in conversation rather than assume the role of a traditional teacher. When Guy commented on September 13, after my first lesson, that I established a good rapport with the students and marked my performance on ââ¬Å"building/maintaining a good rapportâ⬠above the standard, I felt more comfortable from the second lesson onwards. I think I also did well in class management from the beginning. I made sure I kept all students involved in the ongoing activity.In the third week, Guy as well as my peers commented th at I dealt well with the student arriving late, and also another student asking a question which I did not know the answer to but confidant enough to use my ipad to search for the correct answer and gave it to her. I think my class management skills have only improved since then. Also on October 4, my forth lesson, Gui wrote: ââ¬Å"well doneâ⬠in the additional notes on my ability to focus accurately and clearly on specific lexis and grammar (meaning, form, phonology) and to include effective use of the white board or other visual support.Guy also commented on my first lesson TP feedback that I did a good job explaining some difficult lexis i. e. effortless, lean meatâ⬠¦ I think I have developed adequate skills to teach lexis. (300) I haven't done a very good job at providing productive practice to students because I don't time my lessons too well. During my first and third lesson, students didn't have enough time for speaking or even practicing the grammar thought at the end of the lesson.In my TP feedback on September 13, Guy suggested that I should give students a ââ¬Å"restrict time limitâ⬠to avoid wasting so much time on every task. Gui also commented in my TP feedback from my third lesson, on September 27, that although I was able to contextualize well but not economically and consequently not enough time for even a controlled practice. However, I feel the area I really need to develop and work on in future is my lesson planning. Since the beginning of the course, I have never felt comfortable with my lesson plans and it has not improved yet.The lack of detailed information is still there, even in my latest lesson plan. Iââ¬â¢ve been advised by both Guy and Gui to include more information in my plans about analyzing the language used in each lesson and identifying potential problems and how to respond to them. Another area that I am very self-conscious of is my own oral and written language. I am not an English native speaker and I co nstantly think that I may use inaccurate language when I am speaking in the class.As Guy has drawn my attention to this point in my stage one progress record on September 22, I need to provide accurate and appropriate models of both oral and written language in the classroom. (270) I must add that I have gained a lot by observing both experienced and CELTA trainee teachers. I think I have gained most by observing my CELTA colleagues. I have learnt from their mistakes and picked up many good techniques from them. Observing Guy in the first week of the class was a big bonus. He was so much at ease in class, so much at home.He made the students feel comfortable and involved his Intermediate English students in the process of teaching and learning. His lesson thought me it is very important to have an interesting lead in and connect it smoothly into the main aim of the lesson. It was also great to observe Hayley because it showed how exciting a grammar practice can be to students. Hayle y prepared a police-thief game for the students to investigate a crime using present perfect tense. I found it a very effective method of practicing the language for students and at the same time they enjoyed speaking English.I learned about collocation when I observed Johnââ¬â¢s and Martinaââ¬â¢s lesson on lexis. John allowed the students to speak about different types of relationships and elicited the words that go side by side together such as: ââ¬Ëmarried toââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëmother-in-lawââ¬â¢. Martina also did the same with eliciting the focus lexis which were comparative and superlative adjectives. Observing James made me realize the effect of proper use of voice when he used his firm voice to say: ââ¬Ëliarââ¬â¢ while instructing a complicated game. (250) Total word count: 820
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Meaning Behind the Phrase to Cross the Rubicon
Meaning Behind the Phrase to Cross the Rubicon To cross the Rubicon is a metaphor which means to take an irrevocable step that commits one to a specific course. When Julius Caesar was about to cross the tiny Rubicon River in 49 B.C.E., he quoted from a play by Menander to say anerriphtho kybos! or let the die be cast in Greek. But what kind of die was Caesar casting and what decision was he making? Before the Roman Empire Before Rome was an Empire, it was a Republic. Julius Caesar was a general of an army of the Republic, based in the north of what is now Northern Italy. He expanded the borders of the Republic into modern France, Spain, and Britain, making him a popular leader. His popularity, however, led to tensions with other powerful Roman leaders. Having successfully led his troops in the north, Julius Caesar became governor of Gaul, part of modern-day France. But his ambitions were not satisfied. He wanted to enter Rome itself at the head of an army. Such as act was forbidden by law. At the Rubicon When Julius Caesar led his troops from Gaul in January of 49 B.C.E., he paused on the northern end of a bridge. As he stood, he debated whether or not to cross theà Rubicon, a river separatingà Cisalpine Gaul- the piece of land where Italy joins the mainland and at the time inhabited by Celts- from the Italian peninsula.à When he was making this decision, Caesar was contemplating committing a heinous crime. If Caesar brought his troops from Gaul into Italy, he would be violating his role as a provincial authority and would essentially be declaring himself an enemy of the state and the Senate, fomenting civil war. But if heà didntà bring his troops into Italy, Caesar would be forced to relinquish his command and likely be forced into exile, giving up his military glory and ending his political future. Caesar definitely debated for a while about what to do. He realized how important his decision was, especially since Rome had already undergone a ââ¬â¹civil disputeà a few decades earlier. According to Suetonius, Caesar quipped, Even yet we may drawback, but once cross yon little bridge, and the whole issue is with the sword.à Plutarch reports that he spent time with his friends estimating the great evils of all mankind which would follow their passage of the river and the wide fame of it which they would leave to posterity.à The Die Is Cast The Roman historian Plutarch reported that at this critical moment of decision Caesar declared in Greek and in a loud voice, let the die be cast! and then led his troops across the river. Plutarch renders the phrase in Latin, of course, as alea iacta est or iacta alea est. A die is simply one of a pair of dice. Even in Roman times, gambling games with dice were popular. Just as it is today, once youve cast (or thrown) the dice, your fate is decided. Even before the dice land, your future has been foretold. Let the die be cast itself is an expression meaning roughly let the game begin, and it comes from a play called Arrhephoros (the Flute Girl), a comedy written by the Greek playwright Menander in the 4th century B.C.E. Menander was one of Caesars favorite dramatists.à When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon, he started a five-year Roman civil war. At the wars end, Julius Caesar was declared dictator for life. As dictator, Caesar presided over the end of the Roman Republic and the start of the Roman Empire. Upon Julius Caesars death, his adopted son Augustus became Romes first emperor. The Roman Empire started in 31 B.C.E. and lasted until 476 C.E. Therefore, by crossing the Rubicon into Gaul and starting the war, Caesar threw the dice, not only sealing his own political future but effectively ending the Roman Republic and beginning the Roman Empire.
Monday, October 21, 2019
My Food Essays
My Food Essays My Food Essay My Food Essay Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: My Food One of the restaurants that I attended is Desi Work, which is an Indian restaurant. It is located in 3966 South Hudson Avenue at Oklahoma in India. It operates daily, and the opening hour is at 11am and closing time is at 10pm. Desi Work has branded itself as a casual Asian dinner and there is a kind of self-descriptive language, which was generally reserved for the Pei Weis. They serve a variety of food including the chili chicken that absolutely swims in some sort of lucid and goopy sauce. The Indo-Chinese cuisine is usually served with rice or noodles depending on the customerââ¬â¢s choice. Other cuisines include Manchurian, vindloo, maschao soup and chicken Tikka masala, which is the common food served in Indian restaurants (Desi Work, 2011). The atmosphere in Desi Work Indian restaurant seems not to be enthusiastic as compared to when the original owners had it but the quality of food is good. However, they offer varieties of Indian and Asian cuisines in huge portions at a reasonable price compared to Tokyo Gardens Japanese restaurant, which is a bit expensive. In addition, there is no expectation of elegant surroundings or a great atmosphere. Moreover, one needs to order at the counter for the food is brought to the table. The restaurant does not have much decor and the Formica blue marble. It has wood with red vinyl cushions together bizarre tiles, which are so fabulous. Most of the ethnic groups found in this restaurant are the Indians and Asians. The restaurant has a layout of a ludicrous way but the food and services that they provide are actually exceptional. My favorite food is chili chicken but I decided to take two recipes of cuisines. One is Bombay combo bowl, which is a mixture of rice and noodle dish served depending on the customerââ¬â¢s choice. The second recipe I chose is the chicken Tikka masala, which is popular Indian food served with cumin rice in many restaurants. I wanted to try something else but chicken Tikka masala is so delicious and the customers are allowed to choose three different levels of spices, to suit their plates. The first spice is cold, medium and another one is hot. One is allowed to order one of these spices with the type of recipe he or she prefers. Therefore, I decided to choose chicken Tikka masala with hot spice of carrot, potatoes and peas served with rice (Colyer, Pratap and Arcot 124). The Bombay combo bowl is a mixture of fried rice and noodles mixed with fried vegetables with some omelet on top. The chicken Tikka masala is a chicken breast marinated in tomato and cream based sauce. It is served with cumin rice or vegetables. Tikka masala is similar to a tomato spiced gravy sauce with marinated chicken, which is served with long grain rice and traditional naan food. Naan is grilled flat bread, which is made from the white flour. The ingredients found in chicken Tikka masala include tomatoes, turmeric seeds, garlic, spice, cumin seeds, and ground red chili and coriander seeds. Each of these ingredients has their own healing property or a healthy supporting action to human beings. Nevertheless, they create flavor harmony and the texture contrast defines the traditional Indian curries linked to health benefits. Researchers have found that turmeric seeds play a vital role in slowing down Alzheimer diseases from progressing. Yance and Stephen Sagar (10) reveal that turmeric seeds are essential because they help in controlling diseases such as arthritis and clinical diseases. Turmeric has been used as medicine for gastrointestinal discomfort together with irritable bowel syndrome and diseases of digestive problems. It strengthens cartilage and bones when taken raw. Consequently, cumin seeds have been praised not only for adding iron to the body but also with their potential for cancer prevention and for helping in food digestion process. Many mechanisms have been considered including antioxidant activity and anti-angiogenesis in preventing new blood vessels growth and direct effects on cancer cells. Turmeric has been used for a long time as a traditional Asian medicine for treating gastrointestinal upset, relieving arthritic pain and lowering energy in the body. The Indians use turmeric for tr eating stomach problems such as fatty meal indigestion (Valentine, 2009). Another restaurant that I attended is Tokyo Gardens Japanese restaurant. It is one of the best restaurants found in Japan. It is located in 4020S Memorial Dr East Avenue. The operating time is from 5pm to 9.30pm from Monday to Thursday. From Friday to Saturday, the operating period is from 5pm to 10pm but on Sunday, it is from 5pm to 9pm. Their number one goal is to make customerââ¬â¢s dining a memorable and enjoyable experience. They cook food of the highest quality, offer friendly services, clean environment and the atmosphere is unique. In their Teppanyaki dining room where their performing chefs organize customerââ¬â¢s meals at the table, fresh ingredients with natural flavors assure customers of their health conscious cooking without forgoing test, flavor or quality. The restaurant serves common food such as negri, sushi, sashimi, hand roll and maki sushi rolls (Tokyo Garden 2011). The atmosphere at Tokyo Garden restaurant is cool and the wall surrounding the restaurant is redone. The interior art seems to have stepped up in class and the place has some sweet music heard from a far distance. They play good music such as hip-hop, blues and they have a big flat screen television always showing games. It has very many seats that can be used by many people. The place is good for office parties because of its surrounding with fresh air from the surrounding flowers planted outside the compound. It does not appear big from outside but it is clean and spacious from the inside (Brodowsky, Neil Granitz, and Beverlee 3). At Tokyo Garden restaurant, they have a variety of delicious items so after reading their menu, I decided to choose calamari roll, which is one of Sushi special roll with spices such as cucumber, avocado, asparagus and fried calamari. Another Sushi roll that I took is spicy Tuna roll, which is the popular food in the globe made out of raw fish. The food is delicious but the price is so expensive. The staff members are so friendly and the food is served quiet and quickly. The ingredients found in spicy tuna roll include spicy sauce, chopped tuna, cucumber and radish sprouts. At Tokyo Garden restaurant, they believe that a good dining experience will truly delight their customers thus they serve their customers healthy food. The ingredients found in spicy tuna roll are vital in healing and supporting health. The study indicates that an ingredient such as spicy sauce is considered a vital source of dietary fiber, iron and magnesium that promotes health. Fish is vital for people who are trying to lose their weight because it has additives that can reduce the amount calories in their body. Consequently, chopped tuna is essential for those people who want low calorie foods. This is because it helps in weight reduction thus chances of getting diseases such as obesity is very low. Tuna is good for health but the ingredients used for preparation maybe somehow having high calories (, 2011). The amount of calories found in chopped tuna is approximated to be 290, which is quite reasonable for good health. In addition, the amount of calories found in chopped tuna such as 26 grams of carbohydrates and 3.5 grams of dietary fibers are essential in weight reduction. Those people who are suffering from obesity are advised to take spicy tuna rolls. Obesity increases many diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure and sleeping sickness. Thus, the Japanese believe that by taking nutritious food such spicy tuna roll, they will be able to overcome problems of obesity. This is because this food makes one to reduce weight for it has low fats and enough calories essential for health body. Spicy tuna roll contains many proteins, which is approximately 24 grams. Consequently, it has 560 mg of sodium when packed but the fresh have 23mg, hence believed for their effectiveness in promoting health (Yance and Stephen Sagar 27). Brodowsky, Glen, Neil Granitz, and Beverlee Anderson. ââ¬Å"The Best of Times Is Now.â⬠Time Society. 17 (2008): 2-3. Print. Colyer, C G. B, S W. Pratap, and J Arcot. ââ¬Å"Nutrient Composition of Indian Restaurant Foods.â⬠Food Australia : Official Journal of Cafta and Aifst. 49.3 (2000): 124. Print. Desi Work. Indian Asian Grill. Web. July 22, 2011 Spicy tuna roll calories. April 3, 2011. Web. July 22, 2011 Tokyo Garden. Japanese Steak, Seafood and Sushi Bar. Web. July 22, 2011 Valentine, S. ââ¬Å"Best Food, Nutrition and Health Student of 2008.â⬠Nutrition Bulletin. 34.1 (2009). Print. Yance, Donald, and Stephen Sagar. ââ¬Å"Targeting Angiogenesis with Integrative Cancer Therapies.â⬠Integrative Cancer Therapies. 5.1 (2006): 9-29. Print.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Period Goes Inside Quotation Marks
Period Goes Inside Quotation Marks Period Goes Inside Quotation Marks Period Goes Inside Quotation Marks By Maeve Maddox Derrick Grant writes: Ive always been perplexed on whether the period goes inside the quotations or outside, when the sentence is not quoting someone. For example: They didnt describe it as a budget cut, they called it streamlining services. Does the period go inside the quote or outside? Ive seen it, in professional publications, done both ways, leading me to think that both are correct; however, I have the ALWAYS put a period INSIDE the quotes statement burned into my head from my old English high school teacher. If both methods are correct, Im inclined to think putting it outside the quotes, in the above example, looks more appropriate. Thoughts? The two most popular U.S. authorities agree with Derricks high school English teacher. AP Style book: Periods always go inside quotation marks. p 361 Chicago Manual of Style: Periods and commas precede closing quotation marks, whether double or single. This is a traditional style, in use well before the first edition of this manual (1906) Section 6:8 The CMS goes on to describe exceptions for textual studies and British usage, but for practical purposes, writers of American English can go with the ALWAYS put a period INSIDE the quotes mantra. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Bare or Bear With Me?15 Words for Household Rooms, and Their SynonymsEbook, eBook, ebook or e-book?
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Association Research Paper - 1
Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Association - Research Paper Example nolulu offers a number of historical monuments and vibrant activities which include the King Kamehameha I Statue and the Iolani Palace meant for tourists attraction. The region is made up of several ethnic communities and cultural practices that forms a major attraction to tourists and visitors in Oahu Island. The people are very welcoming to visitors which makes it an ideal place for camping and leisure activities. Some of the hotels in the region include Ala Moana Hotel, The Modern Honolulu, Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki, Pagoda Hotel, Airport Honolulu Hotel, Waikiki Gateway Hotel, Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort among others. The hotels have specialized in various activities and dining sets which makes them stand out from one another. Local dishes can be found along the Kapahulu Avenue. The rates of the guestrooms can be obtained through online booking services such as, TripAdvisor, and Expedia. Guests are offered with several shopping options due to many shopping outlets located in Oahu. The open air markets deal with bargain souvenirs and local produce. The Aloha Tower is known to be selling art and crafts items. Waikele premium outlets offers a wide range of big brands at discounted prices. Ala Moana shopping center has distinguished itself as the main family shopping center as it has a number of outlets that specialize on items that fit every family that visits the region (Mak, 2004). Quick movement around the facilities is facilitated by rental cars which offers the best form of transportation around the island. Another attractive event that guest should experience in the region of Oahu is the Luau which is a Hawaiian party accompanied with the areas traditional foods, music and cultural display. As a result of these factors, Oahu which means The Gathering Place offers the best destination for the association to carry out its activities. The Ala Moana Hotel is based in Honolulu in the state of Hawaii. The specific
Friday, October 18, 2019
An American Drama Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
An American Drama - Movie Review Example This paper declares thatà the movie starts immediately after a car accident had taken place. Detective Waters, a man of African American descent, had been in the area to inspect a crime scene in the same location of the accident he had just been involved in. When Waters goes to look at the crime scene, what he sees is not seen by the audience.à This study outlines that when Ryan and his partner, Hansen, leave the diner to begin their shift, they pull over a vehicle because they believed that the couple inside were engaged in sexual activities while driving. The black couple in the car, Cameron and Christine, obey the orders of the officers and leave the vehicle to be questioned. Christine, who had been drinking, is frisked by Ryan, though he involves himself more than he needed to, sexually molesting her. After his finishes with his groping, he lets the couple leave.à Another montage begins again, focusing on Christineââ¬â¢s anger at Cameron for not helping her when the poli ce officer was touching her. Daniel is shown putting his daughter to bed after she became scared when she heard a gun shot. Anthony and Peter, in the car they had stolen, accidentally runs over one of the Asian men from the diner, who they drop off at a hospital. Hansen, fed up with Ryanââ¬â¢s racism and behavior, tries to get a new partner. After this montage, others scenes are shown that display each character going through more problems involving racism, with the characters going against each other simply because of the color of their skin.
First World War and the Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
First World War and the Poetry - Essay Example The poets of this period reacted in a number of ways to the war. Some of their poems deal directly with war experiences. They spoke about their fortitude and the emotional trauma that they suffered. Some addressed the futility and horrors of the war; while some expressed the loss of loved ones. The woks of poets like Edward Thomas Isaac Rosenberg, and Wilfred Owen illustrate the horrors of the war in great detail. Having a first hand experience of the war as soldiers, these writers understood the meaninglessness of the war. They realized that other than destruction there is nothing to be gained from the war. They demonstrated the same in their poetry. In Edward Thomas' poetry titled The Owl, the poet illustrates the wretchedness of the aftermath of a war. The soldier is tired, hungry and needs to rest after surviving the war. After having food at the inn, the soldier lays down to rest. But the memories of the war haunt him and he becomes restless. He realizes that war did not bring anything other than destruction and loss of lives of fellow human beings. This agitation is further heightened by the cry of the owl: The cry of the owl embodies the misery of all the soldiers who lost their lives. The owl seems to be lamenting the death of those who lost their lives. The soldier's awareness of their deprivation awakens a sense of remorse in him: Another of his poems titled The Rain, illustrates how the war can damage one's sense of worth. Feeling solitary amongst the dead bodies that are lying all around, he experiences a void which can never be filled. He is preoccupied with death which he knows is imminent: "Remembering again that I shall die" (Jon Silkin 91). The deaths have hardened him. There is no love in him. He is: "helpless among the living and the dead" (Jon Silkin 91). He does not feel any pity for the dead. His life as a soldier makes him cynical. He considers death to be a blessed condition rather than be alive with a sense of such worthlessness: "If love it be towards what is perfect and/ Cannot, the tempest tells me, disappoint"(Jon Silkin 91). Another poet who illustrated the horrors of war is Isaac Rosenberg. His poems deal with the sufferings of the soldiers. He looks at the war from the view point of a soldier. Rosenberg 'painted' what he saw and experienced; his poetry contained the colors of light/shade and the contrasts of night and day of the battlefield landscapes he constructedin his poems. These painted poems also contain a philosophizing about life andcivilization. (Trevor Tasker). Isaac Rosenberg's poem Returning, We Hear the Larks shows a soldier's preoccupation with death
Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Literacy - Essay Example The debate on literacy acquires attracts mixed reaction within given audiences. As such, clarity on the matter necessitates an analysis on active learning from a personal perspective. Active learning entails interactive session within learning forums that mandate individual participation. The segment supports imparting of knowledge through sensitive interventions that expand the learning environment. As such, a learner becomes aware of the immediate environment through use of critical thinking skills. I argue out that active learning evaluates the level of an individualââ¬â¢s literacy (Wood 171). Planned interactive sessions provide learning opportunities for various groups of people. The discussion on literacy during the class session generates noteworthy conclusions on the same subject. I obtained conclusive documents that literacy is a significant societal pillar that fosters individual development and improvement of general standards. Advanced literacy levels impact directly to a given community with productive results as deduced from a personal opinion. Other significant assumptions point to literacy as dominating factor of evaluating a countryââ¬â¢s wealth. I therefore, Justify that these claims revolve around the availability of job opportunities for literate
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Personal Worldview Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Worldview Paper - Essay Example Worldview is so much so important since it affects the preconceived notions of a person. It affects how the public think, act and move towards the society they are dwelling in. As a whole, worldview affects the culture and the way of life of the people who believed in it. Generally, worldview has a function of taking its effect towards the common mindset of the public and that it usually impose a culture and parameters for living. My nature of reality towards God is that I have been seeing him towards others. He exists in the people around me and touches their lives on a daily basis. God as whole is not a concept but a way of life, the concepts connected to the intricacies of the divine affect my view of the world. The nature of the world is good, its natural state is evil free and unstained. For me, the world has innate qualities of goodness; mainly because, it is governed by reasoning and thinking of the people living in it. That I firmly believe since reasoning is, I guess, the only one thing which separates man from savage animals and species. For me, being reasonable and having been able to think is the innate nature of humanity as compared to the other species living in the globe. Having said that, I would like to believe that the good qualities of men reside from their way of thinking and their way of using reason to do what is right and eventually separate evil from the good. Well, honestly speaking I have known about God through others, seeing God in their midst. As I was saying before, I am seeing God through the eyes of the people revolving around me, through what they do and project towards me. I experience him in my midst, which is why I can tell I have known him. Knowing God to exist in my surroundings, I discover my world. I have discovered that among people who trust God, there is goodness and truthful reality. As compared to when I have close encounters with people
Coca-Cola Financial Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Coca-Cola Financial Perspective - Essay Example The vision of the company covers internal and external factors that influence its operations (Begley, 2000). These include people, portfolio, partners, planet, profit and productivity. People-The company aims at motivating it employees to enhance their performance Portfolio-Coca-Cola aims at expanding its brand portfolio and bring to the world quality brands that meet the needs of its consumers. Partners- Coca-Cola aims at creating a strong network of suppliers and customers. Planet-Coca-Cola is focused at becoming a responsible firm that supports sustainable communities (Kurtz, 2010). Profit-To maximize shareholders returns and improve on its profitability. Productivity-Coca-Cola aims at becoming an effective and fast growing company. Overall strategy In its effort to produce quality brands that have remained competitive in the soft-drink industry, Coca-Cola has adopted a winning culture that defines its behaviors towards its 2020 vision. These include effective leadership, collabor ation, integrity, accountability, passion, diversity and quality. To ensure it remains the market leader, in the soft drink industry, the company has embarked on providing quality brands that meet the needs of its consumers (Habermas, 1989). Examples of brands manufactured by the company include Valpre, Powerade, Coke, Sprite, Nestea, and Dasani Water among others. The financial stability of Coca-Cola has been enhanced by its culture of acquisitions and merger. Key companies that have been acquired by Coca-Cola include Minute Maid, Barqââ¬â¢s, Odwalla, Fuze Beverage, and Columbia Pictures among others. As a result, the company has expanded its assets to reach at approximately US$ 73à billion. The table below indicates the financial performance of the company in 2010 and 2011 financial years. Items 2011 2010 Gross profit 28,326 22,426 Operating income 10,154 8,449 Income before income tax 11,439 14,243 Consolidated net income 8,634 11,859 Net income 8,572 1,809 From the table ab ove it is clear that while the company registered a significant increment of the gross profit, operating income and net income in 2011, the income before income tax and consolidated net income was low in 2011 as compared to 2010 (Baker, 2008). Marketing strategies Coca-Cola marketing strategies include e-marketing, product innovation, extensive advertisement and promotional strategies for example sponsorship of FIFA World Cup. In this way, the company has been able to expand its customer base as well as acquire a substantial market segment in the world soft drink market (Stephen and Kate, 2006). Coca-Cola management systems In order to improve the quality of its products, Coca-Cola has implemented Coca-Cola Operating Requirements (KORE) as one of its key management system. Key roles of KORE include improvement of the product quality, as well as safeguarding the security and health of its workers. In addition, the company has adopted eKOsystem in its bottling facilities (Stuart, 2009 ). The eKOsystem aims at initiating control measures that include water resources management, ozone protection, waste management as well as energy management. Objectives for improving the organization's financial position objectives Introduction of low priced products. To increase total sales and satisfy the customers with the gratifying taste of quality products. Production of healthy beverages lines which do not have negative effects on the consumerââ¬â¢
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Personal Worldview Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Worldview Paper - Essay Example Worldview is so much so important since it affects the preconceived notions of a person. It affects how the public think, act and move towards the society they are dwelling in. As a whole, worldview affects the culture and the way of life of the people who believed in it. Generally, worldview has a function of taking its effect towards the common mindset of the public and that it usually impose a culture and parameters for living. My nature of reality towards God is that I have been seeing him towards others. He exists in the people around me and touches their lives on a daily basis. God as whole is not a concept but a way of life, the concepts connected to the intricacies of the divine affect my view of the world. The nature of the world is good, its natural state is evil free and unstained. For me, the world has innate qualities of goodness; mainly because, it is governed by reasoning and thinking of the people living in it. That I firmly believe since reasoning is, I guess, the only one thing which separates man from savage animals and species. For me, being reasonable and having been able to think is the innate nature of humanity as compared to the other species living in the globe. Having said that, I would like to believe that the good qualities of men reside from their way of thinking and their way of using reason to do what is right and eventually separate evil from the good. Well, honestly speaking I have known about God through others, seeing God in their midst. As I was saying before, I am seeing God through the eyes of the people revolving around me, through what they do and project towards me. I experience him in my midst, which is why I can tell I have known him. Knowing God to exist in my surroundings, I discover my world. I have discovered that among people who trust God, there is goodness and truthful reality. As compared to when I have close encounters with people
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Research Artical Critical Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Research Artical Critical Review - Assignment Example The article is very informative as it breaks down to the gender that mostly affected, hence indicating the then sport that had numerous casualties. He deemed this would help the athletes practice safely without any endangering themselves. Since article helps maximize the health protection of the athletes and facilitate in reduction of the costs involved in managing injuries as well as illnesses. The study also aimed at ascertaining chances of an illness or an injury occurring repeatedly throughout the games (Engretsen et al 2013). To achieve this, the author utilized both qualitative and quantitative as it involved the assembly of illness and injuries surveillance system for multisport events for the study (Engretsen et al 2013). This involved collection of data from the polyclinics and the national Olympic campaigns as stated earlier and conducting comparisons. Based on the articleââ¬â¢s arguments, Engretsen et al (2013) information they have relayed is extremely critical in aiding international Olympic committee tasked with encouraging and supporting the health of the athletes. I like the manner in which authors has taken time to conduct a study on the health of the athletes. It is factual to state if their health is affected, then the Olympic Games would be grievously affected (Engretsen et al 2013). Authors have also evaluated lasting as well as short effects and pinpointed areas of concern such as the geographical conditions that could greviously affect athletes. This confirms authorsââ¬â¢ focus and straight-forwardness evident by the way, they uphold heightened confidentiality, which is an indispensable ethic (Engretsen et al 2013). Conversely, authorsââ¬â¢ reliance was only on two sources to conduct the study poses a heightened likelihood of erring besides missing some aspects. Authorsââ¬â¢ could employ a third and fourth body for comparisons and better judgments when making a conclusion (Engretsen
Monday, October 14, 2019
Toyota Philosophy of Kaizen
Toyota Philosophy of Kaizen In the bend of the seventies, the scientific management (Taylorism and Fordism) appears in gap growing, out of step with the new standards of the society. Henceforth markets require diversified and reliable (even individualized!) products. That implies flexibility, reactivity, innovation. These constraints require the implication, the motivation, the versatility, the initiative and the ability to react from the employees, to the detriment of strict submission and obedience. A new logic of production (adaptation of the productive system to the requirements of the market) was required: Toyotism appeared. Toyota Motors Corporation is today the largest vehicle manufacturer in the world. Toyotas success is due to two mains techniques created by Taiichi OHNO (1912-1990), a former president of Toyota in order to compete with the American car industry (Ford particularly). He invented the TPS: Toyota Production System, also named Toyotism and the JIT: just in time. This model was implemented by Toyota since 1962. Those working organization forms were then broadcasted to the USA and Europe. First we will define what is Toyotism, then we will study the evolution of the Toyotism forms and finally, we will see how Toyotism lead to Toyotas management today. About Toyotism Major principles Toyotism has two major principles: the just in time system and the autonomation system. The just in time system which means production in just in time conditions contributes to eliminate inventory. Indeed, stocks are very expensive for the company because it is necessary to conserve goods in perfect shape in huge buildings. Indeed, some goods require a special preservation system which can also be very costly. You also need to pay for storage building. Moreover, the produced goods have generated costs (especially in a country like Japan were space is limited), that are not compensated by sales. More precisely, inventory reduction relies on the Kanban method that consists in producing when demand manifests itself. We start from the command sent to the company to go back upstream to the fabrication level. Thus, it is the final consumer that launches production. Production is then said to be in tight management or in tense flows, contrary to Fordism. Indeed, thanks to just in time (the approach of continuous and forced problem solving via a focus on rapid throughput and reduced inventory), products or raw materials necessary to production arrive when and where they are needed. No more waste and no more delays, so it reduces costs! Thus, the JIT production helps reducing cost by eliminating waste, removing variability and improving throughput. Autonomation (= autonomy + automation) or auto-activation is the second Toyotism principle. The kaizen perfectly describes the principle of continuous improvement of the system. The kaizen is the principle of empowerment of the teams to define standard durations of production and to divide up the diverse manufacturing operations of a product, in order to work more effectively and faster. Empowerment is based on the despecialisation and on the flexibility of the workers. For instance, simple and cheap stop devices are equipped on machines, which allow the supervision of several machines by the same operator. In case of a breakdown or a defect, the worker stops the assembly chain and tries to solve the problem himself. Thus, the employee has to be versatile and qualified enough. Machines are more automated and workers are more autonomous! They improve the human aspect of autonomation. A new working organization form Through those two innovations: the just in time system and the autonomation system, Toyotism aims at obtaining the 5 zeros, also qualified as Lean Production in USA. The Toyotism method consists in reducing production costs, avoid overproduction, reduce delays and produce the best quality possible. So the five conditions are: 0 delay (Just in time production. This method consists in waiting for the commands before producing but they need to be very reactive.) 0 stock (No overproduction so no inventory cost.) 0 paper (No intern paperwork and hierarchy weakening.) 0 default (No good has to be faulty, so as to avoid reparation costs and to satisfy the client) 0 weakening (Thanks to a regular and rigorous maintenance, machines have no defect.) Any activity or decision that does not add value in the customers mindà is considered a waste. Indeed, it is the customer who defines the value of the product. Waste reduction is an effective way to increase profitability. Therefore, Taiichi Onho identified seven categories of wastes: Overproduction (as seen above, overproduction requires inventoryà which is a waste of money) Waiting (idle time, storage and waiting are wastes: indeed, if an employee has to queue for his material to start working, you pay him at doing nothing but waiting! Also if a good is neither being transported nor being processed, it is waiting and a good kept waiting is a good that is not being sold, so its a good that does not generate revenue.) Transportation (every time you move a product, you take the risk that it can be damaged or lost or delayed. Moreover, transportation is expensive and it is a real cost that does not add a special value to the product.) Inventory (inventory represents an outlay because your raw materials, work-in-progress (WIP), or finished goods are not producing any income or added value.) Motion (unnecessary movements of equipment or people) Defective products (new extra costs are incurred when your products are faulty: you have to face returns, warranty claims.Sometimes you are also obliged to change all the components or to reschedule the whole production! Defects are a waste of time and money.) Overprocessing (doing work that adds no value in the eye of the customer, or using very precise, complex and expensive manufacturing machines when they are not necessary, is a waste.) To sum up, Toyotism principles are the continuous improvement of the processes (kaizen) by the engineers of production and by the operators themselves, and a production running downstream. Indeed, the buyers orders are given to the production center then executed. It authorizes a lot of flexibility and eliminates stocks; the production that is made in tense flows. Toyotism combines the principles of versatility and autonomy of the operators to improve the productive efficiency. Toyotism seems to reconcile productivity and efficiency, and considering the human factor, to propose richer and more developed tasks. But all these aspects require to produce quickly very diverse cars of excellent quality. Thus, it is important to determine a work organization that can reconcile speed, flexibility and quality. Indeed, despite of its evident successes, Toyotism is today disputed by the workers themselves. It seems that productivity gains in the Japanese factories were obtained by a stress management, it is to say by a tension, a permanent pressure from executives and engineers on the workers. Finally, the employees implication and motivation is obtained by stress. Evolution of Toyotism Toyotism dissent Inquiries on the working conditions have highlighted that the application of the Toyotism, far from leading to self-fulfillment of the workforce, was, on the contrary, translated into work intensification. Indeed, the work is often less repetitive than in the past and certain painful physical tasks were able to be mechanized, but other constraints have appeared. The production running downstream means that the production has to react to the requests of the clients. In a company such as Toyota, these requests are obviously indirect: they express themselves through the variety of the production in answer to the demand of the distributor. As an example, Toyota factories can build eight different models on the same production line and the company proposes 60 different models in Japan, without counting the specific versions in the production units outside Japan. The subcontracted parts, such as seats are ordered to the supplier once the car has entered the production line, and are delivered in a few hours. So the deadline constraint is intensified by the production in tense flows. Previously, the operators negotiated their rhythm or their working time with the Direction. In the new organization, it ensues from interactions with the clientele. A commercial constraint is added to the industrial constraint. The impact of the work organization is increased by the use of information and communication techniques which deepen the commercial constraint. For example, the devices of traceability allow the customer to know at any time at what stage is his order is, and who deals with it! More and more employees have standards and deadlines to meet, in order to answer quickly to the demand requirements. Besides the extension of the work under cadence, we observe an increase of the repetitive work. The versatility consists, for an operator, to perform several successive elementary operations of a manufacturing line. So the versatility remains confined in elementary tasks: the worker must be able to adapt himself to the new simple and repetitive tasks imposed to him. It corresponds more to a flexibilisation of the tasks than to an enrichment. The polyactivity doesnt imply an important increase of the qualification of the operator: the autonomy is to be put into perspective. Furthermore, the part of the individual decision-making in the daily activities of the operator remains very limited. All these arguments can explain why the workforce quickly contested Toyotism: improving this new production logic was imperative. New forms of Toyotism In order to answer and react to the growing dispute and to be more productive, Toyota developed and improved new working organization forms. These innovations are implemented differently depending on the production site. Quality circles Quality circles are meetings held outside working hours and on a voluntary basis, to solve certain problems and perfect the production process. Its a workgroup consisting of operators and executives, established around the kaizen activities, which covers questions of quality, maintenance, safety, cost price. Besides, it allows to defuse conflicts, which are sources of losses for the company. By favoring the communication between the employees, through regular meetings, the mobilization and the motivation of the employees are increased, and the quality of products improves. The post rotation It consists of a workforce rotation on the various posts of the same assembly chain, to break the dullness of the work. However, the rotation did not really become widespread, probably because not so much needed by the company. The task extension It consists in grouping together various tasks for the same workstation. The task extension contributes to limiting the horizontal division of the work. The task enrichment It consists in improving the workers motivation by augmenting the interest of their work, by adding for example tasks considered more developing such as the control, the maintenance The tasks enrichment contributes to limiting the vertical division of the work. The participative management It consists in associating the employees to the process of decision regarding the organization of the daily work, the evolution of the results The management by objectives The superiors assign objectives to their subordinates, without defining precise modalities, and they will be evaluated on the difference between the objectives and the obtained results. The semiautonomous teamwork It consists in constituting a group of workers whose members are in charge of defining by themselves the working modalities allowing them to reach the company objectives. This mode of organization relies on the auto-organization and the self-regulation of the group, because the group is collectively responsible for the production. During the 70s, Toyotism was seen as the key to assert in competition. Indeed, the decline of costs, the productivity and quality improvements were more organizational innovations than technological innovations. But the functioning conditions of Toyotas productive organization cannot be pushed farther, in particular as regards the tension on the flows of supply and on the working strength: the intensity of the work cannot be any more increased! Management in Toyota today Management development and learning organizations Since the 80s, the set up system meets certain limits (seen above) and, confronted with new elements such as the decline of the dollar and the increase of the yen, as well as the sourness of the international competition, Toyota had to opt for new strategies. Thus, Toyota adopted an offensive strategy but also a defensive strategy. The defensive strategy consists in favoring a policy of internationalization of the production. Major principles are that products, production centers and management must be adapted to the working local conditions. Furthermore, the local profits must be reinvested locally. Nowadays, Toyota really focuses on understanding the consumer needs and his wants. As an example, today, most of Toyotas plants are outside Japan. They implanted their manufactures where the demand was, in order to better to satisfy it and to reduce transportation costs. Moreover, transportation does not add any value that the customer is eager to pay for. Instead, the customer is willing to pay the product less, whereas, because of transportation, the price increases. This is a concrete example of Toyotas new management. Toyota can easily satisfy the demand because Toyota is where the demand is. The offensive strategy consists in looking for a diversification in production. As an example, a branch of Toyota dashed into Research Development and into electronic production (integrated circuits). In the book Toyota Way written by Jeffrey Liker, 14 management principles are identified. According to the author, those principles make Toyota the worlds greatest manufacturer. Become a Learning Organization is one of these principles. Its possible to summarize Toyotas learning organization in three key elements:à Identify root causes and develop countermeasures. By asking the question why as many times as possible, Toyota determines the root cause of a problem. Use Hansei: responsibility, self-reflection, and organizational learning. Hansei is a concept that Toyota uses as a practical improvement tool like Kaizen: improvements are fed back into the organization and then disseminated. Utilize policy deployment (Hoshin Kanri) This method consists in fixing strategic goals, measuring todays success and planning the future: Toyota wants measurable and concrete objectives. Toyota has well understood that the learning by the practice (learning by doing) allowed every car to be more effectively produced than the previous one. The learning by the practice is the increase of the knowledge bound to the exercise of the productive activity. The continual evolution of the organization is justified for any complex process because the problems and the ideal solutions do not appear immediately at the stage of the conception of the process of production; it is also the consequence of the adaptation to the market. Toyotas culture: the Toyota way The Toyota Way describes the promoted values that comprises Toyotas culture and guides the daily decision making of its employees. It rests on 2 fundamental pillars: Challenge: seeing problems as challenges will help improving the global performance. Kaizen: continuous improvement which is embedded in the belief that employees should come to work each day with the goal of becoming better than the day before. Genchi Genbutsu: going to the source to find the factors that can help make the best decisions, build consensus and achieve goals. As an example, a solution is easily built around arguments based on facts rather than relying on hearsays. Respect: expressing different opinions in ways that respect others, emphasizing everyone for their skills and knowledge, trying to understand and listen to each other, building mutual trust Teamwork: sharing knowledge, maximizing individual and team performance, putting the firms interest before individual interests. The goal of such an organization is to match people with tasks that inspire them and that best utilize their abilities. It is also to design tasks and strategies that can cope with environmental demands and opportunities. The firms culture should reinforce these efforts. One of the reasons Toyota has been so successful for so many years is the alignment among these aspects. Toyotas culture is very strong and it is a real strength for the company, the Toyota way will hopefully help sustain their success in the future: until today, no other company could have the same specific culture. Toyota tries to combine adaptation and quality within an organization leading to qualification. Conclusion Toyota was a formerly small company that outwitted bigger competitors to become the worlds largest automaker, thanks to the philosophy of continuous improvements. The expectation of this philosophy is that empowered employees will work with a committed management to build systems that respond to customers with ever-lower cost and higher quality. Their current success in not their final achievement, they are never satisfied and always want to improve their actions. Toyota wants to discover and improve better alternatives, rethink their accomplishments, investigate future possible successes: they commit to improve continuously!
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Title: Down Ass Bitch :: essays research papers
Artist: Ja Rule Album: Pain is Love Title: Down Ass Bitch feat. Charli Baltimore (Ja Rule - talking) Ja Rule, Chuck B-more Every thug needs a lady And every thug needs a down ass bitch, huh, feel me Every thug needs a lady Baby I'm convinced, you my down ass bitch (Chorus - Ja Rule) Baby say yeah, (baby say yeah) If you'd lie for me, like you lovin me Baby say yeah, (baby say yeah) If you'd die for me, like you cry for me Baby say yeah, (baby say yeah) If you'd kill for me, like you comfort me Baby say yeah, (baby say yeah) Girl I'm convinced, you're my down ass bitch (Ja Rule) Uh I know that you're lovin me, 'cause you thug with me, who bust slugs for me? My baby Who gon' kill for you, like I comfort you, who else but the Rule? You feel me Girl when we connect the dots we hit the spot Twin Benz's, you ride hard, I ride drop And to make it better, baby got the nina' Beretta tucked low And I'm two cars back with the four-four And it freaks you out, on your momma's couch, that's what us thugs be 'bout You know me And when I pray for love, baby pray for us, who celebrates the thugs? My lady Got me seekin capital game when I spit sixteen Whether bars or sixteens in the doors of cars A star is born In the hood, made a name live on, R-U-L-E, ladies, feel me (Chorus) (Charli Baltimore) Now I'm show you blood or love, there's no belly you bounce from Blow sellin, dough amounts to no tellin There'll be no tellin, snitches get it back Those gats to your backs for my boy What part of the game is that, huh? Niggas and they feelings 'cause I handle your dealings, keep your name in tact My fame's in tact so cops won't know what it's hittin for Now hoes wanna know what you shittin for 'Cause I'm your bitch, the Bonnie to your Clyde It's mental, mash your enemies, we out in the rental I'm your bitch, niggas run up on ya, shift ya lungs, who's your organ donor? What they know about, extreme meausures I'm a ride with you And my baby three-eighty at my side And we lock the town, I'm as down as any thug My love, they gotta take us in blood, what (Chorus) (Ja Rule) You could die from love, at any given time I could die from slugs But that's what this life is capable of The death and the life of a bitch and a thug, is what I'm scared of But God up in Heaven who ain't afraid to, tuck the toast in the Escalade Title: Down Ass Bitch :: essays research papers Artist: Ja Rule Album: Pain is Love Title: Down Ass Bitch feat. Charli Baltimore (Ja Rule - talking) Ja Rule, Chuck B-more Every thug needs a lady And every thug needs a down ass bitch, huh, feel me Every thug needs a lady Baby I'm convinced, you my down ass bitch (Chorus - Ja Rule) Baby say yeah, (baby say yeah) If you'd lie for me, like you lovin me Baby say yeah, (baby say yeah) If you'd die for me, like you cry for me Baby say yeah, (baby say yeah) If you'd kill for me, like you comfort me Baby say yeah, (baby say yeah) Girl I'm convinced, you're my down ass bitch (Ja Rule) Uh I know that you're lovin me, 'cause you thug with me, who bust slugs for me? My baby Who gon' kill for you, like I comfort you, who else but the Rule? You feel me Girl when we connect the dots we hit the spot Twin Benz's, you ride hard, I ride drop And to make it better, baby got the nina' Beretta tucked low And I'm two cars back with the four-four And it freaks you out, on your momma's couch, that's what us thugs be 'bout You know me And when I pray for love, baby pray for us, who celebrates the thugs? My lady Got me seekin capital game when I spit sixteen Whether bars or sixteens in the doors of cars A star is born In the hood, made a name live on, R-U-L-E, ladies, feel me (Chorus) (Charli Baltimore) Now I'm show you blood or love, there's no belly you bounce from Blow sellin, dough amounts to no tellin There'll be no tellin, snitches get it back Those gats to your backs for my boy What part of the game is that, huh? Niggas and they feelings 'cause I handle your dealings, keep your name in tact My fame's in tact so cops won't know what it's hittin for Now hoes wanna know what you shittin for 'Cause I'm your bitch, the Bonnie to your Clyde It's mental, mash your enemies, we out in the rental I'm your bitch, niggas run up on ya, shift ya lungs, who's your organ donor? What they know about, extreme meausures I'm a ride with you And my baby three-eighty at my side And we lock the town, I'm as down as any thug My love, they gotta take us in blood, what (Chorus) (Ja Rule) You could die from love, at any given time I could die from slugs But that's what this life is capable of The death and the life of a bitch and a thug, is what I'm scared of But God up in Heaven who ain't afraid to, tuck the toast in the Escalade
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Augustus Ceasar :: Essays Papers
Augustus Ceasar Two of the most destructive problems facing the late Roman Republic were the instability and disunity caused by incessant civil wars. Rome's rapid expansion, after the Punic Wars, resulted in socioeconomic changes that permanently divided the state. Both aristocratic and plebeian parties sought total control of Rome and tried to destroy each other. Civil war was the continuation of party politics by other means. Consequently, the power of the military became supreme. Control of Rome's armies steadily shifted away from the legitimate government to the generals because the soldiers began to give their allegiance to their generals rather than to the civil authorities. On dismissal from military service, the legionnaires had no farms to return to, and they depended entirely on whatever land and money their generals could provide since the government was unwilling or unable to supply veterans with livelihoods. Thus, the generals became autonomous centers of power. The general who dominated the strongest army ruled the state. Repeated power struggles of these military strongmen ignited more civil wars that further undermined the stability and unity of the late Roman Republic. Augustus saw how divisive to the Roman polity civil war was. He understood that control of the legions by the civil government was necessary for the establishment of peace and order throughout the Roman Empire. He wanted to reorganize and institute changes in the military to assure that it would not rise again in support of some triumphant general to challenge the legitimacy of the state. Since warfare within the Empire was eliminated, the role of the legions changed. Its main objectives consisted in protecting the borders from foreign foes and pacifying conquered lands through the gradual introduction of the Roman language, law, administration, and engineering. Augustus' priority was to reduce the number of the legions from 60 to 28, settling in the process more than 100,000 veterans in colonies in Italy, Africa, Asia, and Syria. While proscription financed previous resettlement efforts, the vast wealth of Egypt, which he seized after Antony's defeat, subsidized Augustus' massive resettlement program. He raised the troops' salary and regularized the payment of pensions, which consisted of land and money, to veterans. Augustus, thus, reduced the old threat of soldiers giving their allegiance to wealthy generals rather than to the state. He also standardized the length of military service. The Roman legion became a professional, long service force with an esprit de corp that earlier legions did not have. Each legion was commanded by an officer
Friday, October 11, 2019
Little Mermaid
This is the story of a little mermaid named Ariel, who dreams of going above the sea. When her father, King Triton, forbids her to go above the sea, she visits Queen Ursula who her father had banished. Even though she helps her get to get above the sea, what Ariel doesn't know is that Ursula has plans to destroy her to get revenge on her father. Ariel uses her voice to get the prince attention. In this paper I will use theories to summarize Little Mermaid movie.I believe Ariel is at stage 6 of Erickson`s theory because she is now at the age where she think she know what love is. Her father forbid her to go above the sea but the love she had for the prince caused he to defy what her father instructed. Ariel was determined and will not let nothing stop her. She went into a stage of isolation everything she did or thought about was revolved around getting married to the prince. She had other sisters and a father but whenever it was time for the other mermaids to sing or put on an show, little Ariel was no where to be found.When her Father learned of her defying his word, he was angry. Ariel took matters in her own hand, by consulting with the wicked Queen alone. Yes granted the wicked Queen Ursula made Ariel human, but at what cost? The cost was her voice (operant conditioning). Not really understanding how she would get the prince to know her because she was unable to talk, Ariel used her looks to entice the prince. She was like some typical teenagers today.Ariel's father wanted to reinforce a positive behavior (not allowing her to go above the sea, for her safety), but Ariel acted out in a negative way (she went above the sea anyway). Ariel performed a voluntary action to get something she wanted (operant behavior). Growing up as the youngest of her other five sisters, Ariel felt a sense of inferiority to her older sister. They were all able to go above the sea but she was not because of her age (industry vs inferiority, Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Developm ent).The feeling of inferiority that Ariel felt was so strong, that she felt the need to go above the see everyday. In Piaget's theory which states as a person goes through life Ariel was so determined to become a human that she imitated and idiolized what humans did. Each time she woud visit above the sea she would come back with a keepsake that humans used(comb, fork, and even the statue that fell off the prince's boat during a storm one particular day. This type of behavior
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Kidney Function
It is said that we are what we eat. Because the food we eat is assimilated into our blood. And the nutrients circulating in our bloodstream replenish every cell of our body. On the other side of the coin, this blood needs to be constantly cleaned and maintained at an equilibrium. This is where the kidneys come in. It is the function of the kidneys to continually filter out the impurities and toxins from the blood.à After the body tissues have taken what is needed from the nutrient-laden blood, waste is sent back to the blood. If our kidneys did not remove these waste substances, they would build up in the blood to the point of death. Kidneys excrete the unwanted stuff from the blood and retain only the essential ingredients. In this sense, it can be said that we are indeed what our kidneys keep. Kidneys are such vital organs of the body that we can only keep going as long as the kidneys keep functioning.The kidneys regulate the composition of the blood by 1) removing waste chemica ls from metabolism of bodyââ¬â¢s tissue cells and various chemicals that have been detoxified by the liver (such as drugs, toxins and hemoglobin breakdown products) ââ¬â i.e. excretion 2) maintaining the concentrations of various ions (including sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, sulfate, phosphate) and other important substances at optimum levelsà ââ¬â i.e., osmoregulation. 3) keeping the volume of water and in the body at the right levels and 4) keepingà the acid/base concentration of the blood constant.Besides regulating the blood composition, kidneys also help maintain the bodyââ¬â¢s blood pressure through the action of an enzyme called renin. Further, they actually help new blood cells to generate from the bone marrow. This they do by acting in the capacity of endocrine glands by releasing a hormone called erythropoietin. The kidneys also release a hormone called calcitrol which helps the body sythesize calcium.Blood is pumped down from the hea rt, and the kidneys receive this blood through a branch of aorta called the renal artery. Although the kidneys are relatively small in size and constitute less than 1% of the total body weight, they can take in up to 20% of the bodyââ¬â¢s total blood volume at a time. Blood flows from the renal artery into progressively smaller arteries, the smallest being the arterioles. From the arterioles, blood flows into tufts of microscopic capillaries called glomeruli. Blood exits each glomerulus through another arteriole, which connects to a small vein. The small veins join to form a single large renal vein, which carries blood away from each kidney. After the processing of the blood, the purified blood is returned to the body through the renal vein and the filtered-out waste products and other unwanted substances move out through the ureter. Urine flows from the kidneys through the ureters to the bladder.The kidneys filter and return to the bloodstream about 200 quarts of fluid every day . of which about two quarts are removed from the body in the form of urine.Excretion in the kidneys removes water, inorganic ions, products of detoxification of blood, and nitrogenous waste products that result from the metabolism of protein taken into the body in food. Protein is broken down by the process of digestion into amino acids which are carried to the liver by the blood and get converted into body protein. But the surplus amino acids which cannot be stored by the body undergo a process of deamination, i.e. are broken down. Ammonia is formed as a by-product. Ammonia is an extremely toxi substance. Inside the liver it combines with carbon dioxide in a series of reactions known as the ornithine cycle. Urea is formed as a result, which then passes into the circulation and is carried to the kidney, is processed by nephrons and then excreted in the urine. With waste products thus expelled from the body, the purity of the blood is restored ââ¬â an this is a continuous process inside our bodies.The NephronThe key functional unit of the kidney is called the nephron. Each kidney contains about a million nephrons. It is these nephrons that contain glomureli. Each nephron consists of a glomerulus surrounded by a thin-walled, bowl-shaped structure (Bowman's capsule), a tiny tube (tubule) that drains fluid from a space in Bowman's capsule, and a collecting duct that drains the freshly-formed urine from the tubule. Each of these tubules has three parts: the proximal convoluted tubule, the loop of Henle, and the distal convoluted tubule. It is in this closely packed intricate network of glomeruli and tubules that the basic process of blood filtering takes place.Nephrons regulate water and electrolytes in the body by filtering the blood, after which necessary fluid and molecules are reabsorbed and unneedes substances are secreted. Reabsorption and secretion are accomplished with both cotransport and countertransport mechanisms established in the nephrons and asso ciated collecting ducts.Blood enters the glomeruli at high pressure. Much of the fluid part of blood is filtered through small pores in the glomeruli, leaving behind blood cells and most large molecules, such as proteins. Thus filtered fluid then enters Bowman's space and passes into the tubule leading from Bowman's capsule. In the first part of the tubule, most of the sodium, water, glucose, and other substances are reabsorbed and returned to the blood. In the next part of the tubule, the remaining sodium,à and potassium, and chloride are pumped out, and the resulting fluid becomes increasingly dilute. The dilute fluid then passes through the next part of the tubule, where more sodium is pumped out in exchange for potassium and acid, which are pumped in. A complex series of chemical exchanges constantly take place inside the glomeruli and tubules of nephrons.The Kidneys and the Liverà There is also another major organ responsible for filtering out toxins from the blood, and th at is the liver. The liver performs several roles in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Further, the liver breaks down toxin substances, and it also breaks down hemoglobin.à Food nutrients entering the liver from the intestine are changed into forms usable by the body cells or are stored for future use. Fats are converted into fatty acids and then into carbohydrates or ketone bodies and transported by the blood to the tissues. Sugars are converted into glycogen, which remains stored in the liver until it is needed for energy production, when it is reconverted into glucose and released into the bloodstream. In its role as a blood purifier, the liver metabolizes nitrogenous waste products from body processes and detoxifies poisonous substances, preparing them for elimination in the urine or feces.The human liver secretes about one litre of bile each day to aid the digestion of fats in the food. Bile is also the medium of excretion for certain metabolic waste products, drug compounds , and toxins. Bile secreted into the common bile duct enters the gallbladder, where it is concentrated and stored. When needed,à this bile flows out of the gallbladder and into the intestine. Worn-out red blood cells are destroyed in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.à A pigment, bilirubin, formed in the process of hemoglobin breakdown, is released into the bile, creating its characteristic greenish-orange colour.The red blood cells are degraded at end of their lives in liver and spleen, with hemoglobin breaking down to heme and globin. Erythrocytes of red blood cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide by binding them with iron in hemoglobin. Erythrocyte production in the body is stimulated by a hormone called erythropoietin, secreted mainly by kidneys. The fixed phagocytic cells of the spleen and bone marrow destroy old blood cells and convert the heme groups of hemoglobin into the pigment bilirubin. The bilirubin is secreted into the blood and carried to the liver where it is conjugated with glucuronic acid, a derivative of glucose. Some of the conjugated bilirubin is secreted into the blood, and the rest is excreted in the bile as bile pigment that passes into the small intestine. This ââ¬Å"conjugatedâ⬠bilirubin is called direct bilirubin, while the ââ¬Å"unconjugatedâ⬠bilirubin is called indirect bilirubin.The conjugated bilirubin that is excreted into the bile by the liver is stored in the gall bladder or transferred directly to the small intestines. Urobilinogens are colorless compounds formed by bacteria in the intestine from bilirubin after the conjugated glucuronic acid has been removed. The urobilinogen remaining in the intestine is oxidized to brown stercobilin which gives the feces their characteristic color. A small portion of the urobilinogen is reabsorbed, extracted from the circulation by the hepatocytes and excreted by the kidney. This constitutes the normal ââ¬Å"intrahepatic urobilinogen cycleâ⬠.If a liver disease su ch as hepatitis interferes with the normal intrahepatic urobilinogen cycle, increased amounts of urobilinogen may appear in the urine where it is converted to yellow urobilin.Whearas in a typical case of biliary obstruction, decreased amounts of direct bilirubin reach the intestine for conversion to urobilinogen. With little urobilinogen available for reabsorption and excretion, the amount of urobilinogen in the urine is low, which would be detected in a urinalysis.UrinalysisUrinalysis is a physical and/or chemical examination of the urine. It consists of a series of chemical and microscopic tests to identify urinary tract infections, kidney disease, liver disease, and diseases of other organs that may result in the appearance of abnormal metabolites (break-down products) in the urine.In urinalysis, a small, randomly collected urine sample is examined physically for things like color, appearance, and concentration (specific gravity); chemically for substances such as proteins, gluco se, and acidity vs. alkalinity (pH value). Further on, tests can be conducted for the presence of cellular elements (red blood cells, white blood cells, and epithelial cells) mircroscopic organisms, crystals, and casts (structures formed by the deposit of protein, cells, and other substances in the kidneys' tubules).Normal Values and DeviationsNormal urine may vary in color from nearly transparent colorlessness to dark yellow. If the urine is of an unusual color that cannot be accounted for by food intake or medication, it is an indication of some abnormality. The urine specific gravity ranges between 1.006 and 1.030. The specific gravity varies depending on various factors such as food and the time of the day. If the specific gravity is above or below the normal range, or if it does not vary, it may indicate a kidney problem.The urine pH value is also influenced by a number of factors. Generally the normal pH range is from 4.6 to 8.0. If the pH is very acidic or alkaline, beyond wh at could be attributed to normal levels of variation, then there could be a problem. There is usually no detectable urine glucose, urine ketones, or urine protein. Significant amounts of glucose and ketones point to uncontrolled diabetes. There should be no red blood cells present in urine. If blood is found in the urine, it is a sure sign of trouble, possibly of a serious nature. It may indicate a urinary tract disease, or the dreaded cancer.Bilirubin is normally not found in the urine, as it would only be present in such tiny quanties as is undetectable by a routine test. There may be a trace of urobilinogen in the urine, but bilirubin in discernable amounts in the urine is a sign of a liver or bile duct disease. Nitrites and white blood cells (leukocytes) too should not be normally present in the urine. And if they are, a strong possibility of an urinary tract infection rises.Creatinine Clearance Test for GFRCreatinine is a metabolite of the compound creatine that is found in mus cles. Creatine is a by-product of muscle energy metabolism. It is filtered from the blood by the kidneys and excreted into the urine, in the same general manner as urea. Creatinine clearance is the process of removal of creatinine from the body, and technically signifies the volume of blood plasma that is cleared of creatinine per unit time (typically, milliliters per minute).Creatinine clearance is used for estimating the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of the kidneys, which is the volume of fluid filtered from the renal glomerular capillaries into Bowman's capsule per unit time. GFR measurement is often considered to be the best avilable determinant of renal function. The normal range of GFR for males is 97 to 137 ml/min, and for females is 88 to 128 ml/min. The average for men is 120 ml/min and for women 95 ml/min. The GFR may reach 200 ml/min during pregnancy.A clearance of less than 80 ml/min is significant except in people over 80 years. A decreased creatinine clearance rate is an indication of increased blood creatinine level, and happens due to the diminished capability of kidneys to carry out their function, under conditions of abnormality and disease. A creatinine clearance of 50 ml/min or less indicates serious renal insufficiency.The GFR can predict the signs and symptoms of uraemia, especially when it falls to below 10-15 ml/min. It must be noted that the GFR varies according to renal mass and correspondingly to body mass. In a lab report, GFR is corrected for body surface area (which equates with renal mass), which in normal humans is approximately 1.73m2 and represents an average value for normal young men and women.à Impaired renal function is indicated by a GFR of 30-80 ml/min/1.73m2 and in cases of less than 30 ml/min/1.73m2 ââ¬â there is a strong possibility of renal failure.References:Freudenrich C C (n.d) How Your Kidneys Work. Retrieved May 08, 2006 from Publication No. 06ââ¬â4241 (November 2005) Your Kidneys and How They Work. Retrieved May 09, 2006 from C.(Nov 2005) Bilirubin. Retrieved May 09, 2006 from Manual. (February 2003) Kidneys. Retrieved May 09, 2006 from, P.A. (n.d.) Kidney function tests, Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Retrieved May 09, 2006 from Kidney Foundation. (n.d.) How Your Kidneys Work. Retrieved May 09, 2006 from Tests Online. (n.d.) Creatine Clearance. Retrieved May 09, 2006 from S.Z. (n.d.) How the kidney works, The Nephron Information Center. Retrieved May 09, 2006 from ( April 2006) Renal Function. Retrieved May 09, 2006 from
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