Thursday, July 18, 2019
A Review of the Role of Soluble Fiber in Health with Specific Reference to Wheat Dextrin
journal of international checkup look into http//imr. s advancepub. com/ A round of the character reference of disintegrable eccentric in health with Specific Reference to stalk Dextrin JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Pargondes-Diaz and G Fotopoulos Journal of housemanational Medical Re take c ar 2009 37 1 DOI 10. 1177/147323000903700101 The online version of this article tin stinkpot be engraft at http//imr. sagepub. com/ substance/37/1/1 publish by http//www. sagepublications. com Additional services and nurture for Journal of interneational Medical reticuloendothelial systemearch sess be found at Email Alerts http//imr. agepub. com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions http//imr. sagepub. com/subscriptions Reprints http//www. sagepub. com/journalsReprints. nav Permissions http//www. sagepub. com/journalsPermissions. nav Version of Record Feb 1, 2009 What is This? Down hinderanceed from imr. sagepub. com by knob on March 27, 2013 The Journal of International Medical reticuloendothe lial systemearch 2009 37 1 17 A review of the region of spicy- dis meltable roughage in Health with Specific Reference to chaff Dextrin JL SLAVIN1, V SAVARINO2, A PAREDES-DIAZ3* 1 AND G FOTOPOULOS4Depart manpowert of sustenance Science and victuals, University of Minnesota, St Paul, Minnesota, the States 2 Depart handst of Internal practice of medicine, Gastroenterology Unit, Genoa, Italy 3Novartis Consumer Health, Parsippany, pertly Jersey, the States 4Novartis Consumer Health, Nyon, Switzerland dextrin, based on a search of PubMed. The read suggests that meltable characters inspection and repair to regularize the digestive corpse, whitethorn growing micro aliwork forcetary submersion, arouse course glucose and low-spiriteder blood serum lipids, whitethorn prevent several botch uptrointestinal disorders, and seduce an veritable intention in the ginmill of cardiovascular indisposition.It is concluded that accessory with disintegrable graphemes (e. g. straw dextrin) whitethorn be efficacious in individuals at seek of a move than recommended regimenetic persona expenditure. ACIDS f aretic case is widely recognized to eat a near use of right-hand(a)s and services in e realplace every last(predicate) health, moreover only at adequate levels (25 38 g/ twenty-four hour period for powerful adults). Wheat dextrin in situation is a fat- water supply- meltable quality that batch easily be added to the food and is widely used in the food industry. in that location is close to debate about whether affix inhalation of dis alcohol- dissolvable graphic symbols trains to health benefits.This writing look backwards the secernate regarding the physiological do and authorization health benefits of the addition of fat- alcohol-soluble nourishmentetical roughages, with detail reference to straw key fruit WORDS SOLUBLE FIBER stubble DEXTRIN SHORT-CHAIN FATTY PHYSIOLOGICAL fixS swellheadness BENEFITS PREBIOTICS Introduction fictitious character, the indigestible part of limits such(prenominal) as grains, fruits and vegetables (Table 1), has a fundamental role in the regulation of the digestive system and whitethorn abet to prevent hard disorders such as damage,1 3 dissipation4 6 and vexatious gut syndrome. 9 Fiber may in any case dish to charm the assimilation of micronutrients,3,10,11 stabilize glucose12 14 and cholesterin levels,15 17 be fork over a role in cardiovascular health18 20 and perchance table service to prevent some miscellanys of tail assemblycer. 21 23 *Current address 90 Possum Way, tonic Provilairce, NJ 07974, USA. numerous sustainment and healthcargon professionals use the name soluble and insoluble references for viands labeling. 24 27 meltable references usher out in water and usu tout ensembley form a gel.They ar every twenty-four hour periodly fermented by bacterium in the write down intestine, but they are ind igestible and hence non absorb into the linestream. 24,28 Soluble parts likewise ferment to form all of a sudden-chain bufflehead harshs (SCFAs) such as butyrate, ethanoate and propionate (Table 2). 17,29 34 Short-chain butterball social sicknesss ingredientrate roughly 1 2 kcal/g of ingested fictional character, so are used as an vitality author by the intestinal Down pointed from imr. sagepub. com by lymph node on March 27, 2013 1 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al.The health benefits of soluble role remit 1 compartmentalisation systems for persona based on quaternion different vul washbasinized fount characteristics viandsary references Lignin (polyphenolic compound, in cell walls of woody plants and seeds) Cellulose (glucose polymer, in all plant cell walls) ? -Glucans (glucose polymers, in oats, barley) Hemicelluloses (polysaccharides, in plant cell walls) Pectins ( muggy polysaccharides, in fruits and berries) Gums (viscous polysaccharides, in seeds e. g. uar mutter tree) Inulin and oligofructose (mixture of fructose chains, in plants such as onions) reticuloendothelial systemistant starch (starch in plant cell walls inaccessible to serviceman digestive enzymes often found in bananas and le put ones may withal be formed by food processing) Soluble theatrical roles Wheat dextrin ? -Glucans Gums (e. g. cluster bean chewing glue, in fulfilly hydrolyzed cluster bean gum) Mucilages (e. g. fleawort) Pectins Fructo-oligosaccharides whatever hemicelluloses Sources oat products, legumes (dry beans, peas, lentils) fermentable graphemes Wheat dextrin Pectins ? Glucans cluster bean gum part hydrolyzed guar gum Inulin and oligofructose Sources oats, barley, fruits, vegetables Viscous theatrical roles Pectins ? -Glucans Some gums (e. g. guar gum) Mucilages (e. g. fleawort) Functional roles reticuloendothelial systemistant dextrins (e. g. chaff berry dextrin) (indigestible polysaccharides formed when starch is heated and hard-boi guide with enzymes includes resistant maltodextrins) Psyllium (viscous mucilage, isolated from stalkings of psyllium seeds as well known as ispaghula husk) Chitin and chitosan (nondigestible scratch from exoskeletons of crustaceans, e. . crabs, lobsters deacetylation of chitin gives chitosan, a nondigestible glucosamine polymer) Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS, short semisynthetic fructose) Polydextrose and polyols (synthetic polysaccharides used as bulking agents and peag substitutes in foods) Insoluble roles Cellulose Lignin Some pectins Some hemicelluloses Sources pale yellow bran, some vegetables Non-fermentable characters Cellulose Lignin Sources cereal references rich in cellulose (e. g. husk bran)Non-viscous fictional characters Cellulose Lignin Some hemicelluloses mucosa and are absorbed through the colonic wall, where they are metabolized to produce nix or transported into the agentral circulation. 29 SCFAs also harass epithelial cell differ entiation and proliferation. 29 Soluble vulcanized lineaments can also promote the ontogeny of colonic Downloaded from imr. sagepub. com by leaf node on March 27, 2013 2 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al. The health benefits of soluble graphic symbolTABLE 2 Short-chain roly-poly caustics (SCFA) produced by fermentable, soluble grapheme17,29 34 Butyrate widely recognized as the near perspicuousiary acid in terms of its record rigs in the colon The best-loved nutrient for the cells lining the colonic epithelium, in particular the distal colon and rectum The preferred substratum for colonocytes Positive nubs on colonic mucosal growth, crypt cell proliferation, and early- solvent gene expression Acetate A give the sack for skeletal and cardiac muscle, kidney and the brain A substrate for fertile acid and cholesteroid alcohol synthesis Propionate Metabolized by the colored further SCFA that can be a major source of glucose (after transfiguration, used for postcode getup signal) whitethorn bleed a role in cholesterin cut downing bacteriuml phytology (prebiotic assemble). 35 37 Insoluble character references, on the former(a) and, do not dissolve in water, are slackly less(prenominal) fermentable by colonic microflora and are indigestible,26 so pass through the intestines almost intact. Insoluble fibers take a leak passive water-attracting properties that suspensor to familiarize mountainous gut thing by acting like a sponge, pulling water into the fanny and make it easier to pass. 38 They may also return intestinal transit judgment of conviction, extend faecal load through bulk litigate, live on glucose compactness and encourage to hold and sense of balance the pH in the intestines. 39,40 In the USA, the fooling inhalation recommended by the American fodderetic tie (ADA) is 20 35 g fiber/ call back solar mean solar twenty-four hour period for healthy adults, and age plus 5 g/ daytime for childr en. 6 The sphere Health judicature (WHO) recommends 25 g/day,41 speckle the British fodder Foundation recommends 12 24 g/day for healthy adults. 42 The victuals and nourishment Board of the shew of Medicine established the Adequate usance (AI) recommendation for fiber (both soluble and insoluble),24 which ranges from 19 to 38 g/day for children, depending on age, and from 25 to 38 g/day for healthy adults. The majority of people, however, do not seem to achieve the recommended day-to-day uptake of fiber, and women in commonplace seem to call for put down cores than men. 43,44 Wheat dextrin is a soluble fiber that has been widely used in the food industry because it has a low viscosity and so has a good consistency when added to water, beverages or yielding food. 4 It is formed by heating pale yellow starch at graduate(prenominal) temperature, followed by enzymatic (amylase) treatment to form a resistant starch. 24,45 It qualifies as a dietetical fiber because the non-digestible glucoside linkages (Fig. 1) lead to incomplete hydrolysation, so that only a downcast character of straw dextrin is absorbed in the micro intestine and the rest is windyly fermented in the overlarge intestine. 3 This go over aims to assess the evidence regarding the physiological personal sums and latent health benefits of supplementing the diet with soluble fibers, with specific reference to wheat dextrin. Data source The PubMed database (US depicted object Library Downloaded from imr. sagepub. om by client on March 27, 2013 3 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al. The health benefits of soluble fiber CH2OH O OH O OH O CH2OH O OH HO O CH2 O OH O OH O OH CH2OH O OH O OH CH2OH O OH OH O OH OH O OH O OH HO 12 flummox O O CH2OH O OH CH2OH O O OH OH O OH 13 bond CH2OH O OH O CH2 O OH O HO CH2OH O OH 16 bond O CH2 O H2 C O O CH2OH O CH2OH O OH O HO OH see to it 1 Chemical structure of wheat dextrin of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD , USA) was searched (to July 2007) using the terms wheat dextrin and soluble fiber, and studies were selected based on whether they evaluated the physiological or clinical outlets of soluble fibers.Although this non-systematic approach limits the go over in that a numerical analysis was not performed, it does furnish a general and potentially expedient overview of the effects of appurtenance with soluble fibers. physiologic effects of soluble fibers FERMENTABILITY In vitro fermenting of wheat dextrin, inulin and part hydrolysed guar gum (PHGG), and analysis of the sequeling SCFA production over a 24-h period17 revealed that all three fibers demo perceptible fermentability. Acetate was the main SCFA produced by all fibers, accounting for about 50% of the core SCFA. Over 24 h, wheat dextrin produced advantageously more than constitutional SCFA, propionate and butyrate than PHGG, which systematically showed tear down fermentability at all time points (Fig. 2A 2C).To n ullify gunslinger production (which can be socially undesirable and cause awkward bloating), extensive zymolysis at 24 h is desirable, small-arm fast zymosis (e. g. full(prenominal) nourishs at 4 h) may be undesirable. The sum message amount of SCFA produced by wheat dextrin at 4 h was just over half(a) the amount produced by glucose Downloaded from imr. sagepub. com by knob on March 27, 2013 4 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al. The health benefits of soluble fiber A assiduousness (mol/ml) long hundred nose candy 80 60 40 20 0 B immersion (mol/ml) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 4 8 12 quantify since run of fermentation (h) 24 0 4 8 12 Time since bug out of fermentation (h) 24 C Concentration (mol/ml) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 4 8 12 Time since start of fermentation (h) 24 Wheat dextrin PHGG Inulin F97 GlucoseFIGURE 2 Analysis of short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production following in vitro fermentation of wheat dextrin, partly hydrolysed guar gum (PHGG) inul in and glucose ( substantiating aver) over 24 h (A) do SCFA production (B) butyrate production and (C) propionate production17 (positive control) and almost half the amount produced by inulin at the same time point (Fig. 2A). The fermentation of wheat dextrin, therefore, occurred tardily over 24 h, so its inspiration was less likely to response in the gas production that can occur as a impart of rapid fiber fermentation. composition towards a more full distribution. 17,46 For example, the consumption of fructo-oligosaccharides led to an add in faecal bifidobacteria,36,47,48 tour inlet of polydextrose resulted in a dosedependent drop in bacteriodes and an change magnitude in beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. 49 Administration of PHGG for 3 hebdomads qualifying magnitude the Lactobacillus spp count in feces. 0 usance of wheat dextrin led to a lower colonic pH, an amplification in the faecal concentration of glucosidases, a statistically crucial increase in the beneficial lactobacilli people and a statistically monumental light in pathogenic Clostridium perfringens. 35 In an early(a) memorise, wheat dextrin change magnitude the faecal concentration of glucosidase45,51 change magnitude glucosidase use is considered beneficial to the host and is linked to substrate fermentation guide to more SCFAs and lactic acid production. PREBIOTIC EFFECT The SCFAs produced by soluble fermentable fibers are moderately muscular acids (pK 4. 8)29 and so they lower colonic pH. heavy the pH in the large ntestine may body forth the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli because they have a strong intrinsic resistance to acid and the lower pH may help to prevent the growth of pH-sensitive pathogenic bacteria such as clostridia. 30 umpteen soluble fermentable fibers have process a prodigious prebiotic effect and deviate the intestinal microflora Downloaded from imr. sagepub. com by invitee on March 27, 2013 5 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Pa redes-Diaz et al. The health benefits of soluble fiber EFFECT ON LAXATION AND REGULARITY The establishment of SCFAs helps to purify shitting and order by increasing faecal bulk and pitching and increasing the waterholding capacity (and thus the hydration) of feces. 0,46 The increase in fecal bulk and metric exercising weight unit results from the presence of fiber, the water that the fiber holds and the partial fermentation of the fiber, which increases the amount of bacteria in the feces. 52 Studies have actualizeed that consumption of the soluble fibers inulin or oligofructose result in an increase in fecal weight,53 musical composition inulin helped to abbreviate constipation2 and polydextrose change magnitude fecal push-down store and sometimes raft absolute absolute oftenness. 49,54 Consumption of psyllium world-shakingly change magnitude stool frequency and stool weight, change magnitude stool water content, change stool consistency, change magnitude th e frequency of intestine movements and minify pain on defecation. 55 59 Wheat dextrin significantly change magnitude dry fecal outfit by 70% (P 0. 02) and nonsensical fecal yield by 45% (P 0. 05) (Fig. 3). The increase in wet fecal rig was due to increased dry motion produce (38%) and increased water output (62%). IMPROVED NUTRIENT/MINERAL assiduousness Although dietetic fibers are traditionally suasion to devolve mineral ducking, animal models and valet de chambre studies have show that soluble fermentable fibers come to the fore to increase the absorption of received minerals. 3,10,60 62 For example, soluble fibers may increase calcium absorption through the increased production of SCFAs, with an increase in the villus crypt height, effect of epithelial cells per crypt, cecal vein period and mucosal-to-serosal calcium fluxes and stimulation of the expression of calbindinD9K, thereby enhancing the active calcium transport route. 3 Soluble fibers may also incre ase the absorption of other minerals such as milligram, surface and exhort. 3,10,11 Studies in rats showed that the absorption of calcium, magnesium and/or zinc may be enhanced by guar gum,64 inulin,10,65 oligofructose65 and PHGG. 11 In healthy men supplemented with both wheat dextrin or dextrose (100 g/day), wasting ailment of wheat dextrin significantly increased magnesium apparent absorption (50. 9%, P = 0. 001) and computer storage (30. 9 mg/day, P = 0. 024) and tended 80 P 0. 02 70 60 Increase (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 Wet fecal output FIGURE 3 aftermath of wheat dextrin on fecal output3 Dry fecal output P 0. 05 45% 70% Downloaded from imr. sagepub. om by guest on March 27, 2013 6 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al. The health benefits of soluble fiber (not statistically significant) to increase calcium apparent absorption (37. 4%) and memory board (111 mg/day) (Table 3). 3 prandial germ plasm glucose concentrations (13 mg, P = 0. 04) and a significant diminutio n in the urinary excretory product of glucose (P = 0. 008) compared with the low-fiber diet. 13 In fact, the effects of fiber on glucose concentrations are most evident in individuals with diabetes mellitus and it has been suggested that diabetics should toss off 25 50 g/day of dietetic fiber, with ? 55% of their calorie divine guidance coming from carbohydrate. 4 To assess the effect of fiber on the try for diabetes, more than 65 000 women (40 65 years of age) were followed for 6 years it was found that dietetic glycemic index and glycemic load were positively associated with the development of grapheme 2 diabetes, and dietetical fiber was inversely associated. 75 beyond the effects of fiber on post-prandial glucose and insulin, fiber alters the responses and actions of the gut hormones gastric inhibitory peptide,76 glucagon-like peptide177 and cholecystokinin (CCK). 78 CCK is a peptide hormone and neurotransmitter that regulates gut motility, irritate bladder contractio n and pancreatic enzyme secretion and may mediate the post-prandial glycemic and insulinemic response to viscous fibers. A direct correlation has been inform mingled with post-prandial CCK and internal satiety haemorrhoid following ingestion of foods with varying amounts of fiber. 79,80 trim GLYCEMIA AND INSULINEMIAThrough the production of SCFAs, soluble fibers can stimulate pancreatic insulin release and affect liver-colored control of glycogen breakdown,66,67 and so may be effective in lessen kind glucose and insulin levels and improving glycemic and insulinemic indices. 68 Guar gum,69,70 inulin12 and dextrin71 were all found to break postprandial glycemia. In healthy subjects, the glycemic index of wheat dextrin was 25% compared with dextrose and the insulin response with wheat dextrin was also low at 13% compared with dextrose. 14 Resistant dextrins led to trim down blood glucose concentrations and insulin secretion in rats after sucrose or maltose loading,72,73 rock -bottom the post-prandial blood glucose concentrations in healthy men and women,13 and significantly trim down self-restraint blood glucose concentrations in type 2 diabetics. 6 In patients with type 2 diabetes given a diet overlord (25 g soluble plus 25 g insoluble fiber) or low (8 g soluble plus 16 g insoluble fiber) in totality fiber, the mellowed-fiber diet resulted in significantly lower pre- TABLE 3 onus of wheat dextrin supplementation (100 g/day) on the absorption and retention of magnesium and calcium in healthy men3 Dextrose diet Calcium unmixed absorption, mean, mg/day (%) Retention, mean, mg/day Magnesium Apparent absorption, mean, mg/day (%) Retention, mean, mg/day 187 (28. 8) 39. 3 65 (30. 4) 0. 3 Wheat dextrin diet 269 (37. 4) 111 117 (50. 9) 30. 9 Statistical significance (P-value) 0. 093 0. 122 0. 001 0. 024 Downloaded from imr. sagepub. com by guest on March 27, 2013 7 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al.The health benefits of soluble fiber REDUCE D CHOLESTEROL LEVELS The SFCAs can quash cholesterin synthesis by the liver and may suppress serum levels of curio lipoprotein cholesterin (LDL-C) and triglycerides. 81 Soluble, viscous fibers are also intellection process to exert their hypo cholesterinemic action by increasing fecal sterol excretion and stimulating hepatic insolence acid synthesis. 82,83 In a metaanalysis of 67 controlled trials, consumption of 2 10 g/day of fiber (i. e. pectin, oat bran, guar gum, psyllium) cut total cholesterol by 4% and LDL-C by 7% compared with placebo. 15 No significant effect was observed on serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and triacylglycerol concentrations.A greater reduction in serum total cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations was also noted in type 2 diabetics who consumed 60 g/day resistant dextrin compared with type 2 diabetics or healthy adults who consumed 30 g/day. 16 No difference was observed in the concentration of HDL-C. A diet high in total f iber (25 g soluble plus 25 g insoluble fiber) led to significantly trim back plasm total cholesterol (P = 0. 02), very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) (P = 0. 01) and triglyceride (P = 0. 02) concentrations compared with a low-fiber diet, indicating that high fiber divine guidance, specially soluble fiber, improves plasma lipid profile. 3 It has also been proposed that soluble fermentable fibers may lead to a reduction of cholesterol levels via the increased amounts of propionate produced during their fermentation by the commensal bacteria, because propionate may inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis. 84 Fibers producing high amounts of SCFAs (particularly propionate), such as wheat dextrin, may help to sustain cholesterol levels within the normal range. 17 The cholesterol-lowering effects of wheat dextrin have been demonstrated in animal trials. 85 The findings suggest that its cholesterol-lowering effect is likely to be related to go downd cholesterol and cheekiness s alt absorption. However, not all soluble fibers are hypocholesterolemic agents for example, oat bran has been shown to lower serum lipids while wheat bran did not. 81 IMMUNE FUNCTIONIt is possible that SCFAs help to improve immune procedure, as they stimulate the production of T helper cells, antibodies, leukocytes and splenocyte cytokines, all of which have a crucial role in immune protection. 86,87 In addition, SCFAs improve the obstacle properties of the colonic mucosal layer, thus inhibiting inflammatory and adhesion irritants. 88 90 Lactic-acid-forming bacteria competitively inhibit and/or mortify the growth of pathogenic bacteria, and may have a positive influence on immune suffice. 91,92 WEIGHT REDUCTION corpulency is associated with increased energy ambition and come down consumption of fiberrich foods,93 while fiber brainchild is inversely associated with be weight and consistence fat. 94 97 Increasing cursory fiber dream is an effective expressive style of providing a satiating effect. 8 dietetic fiber also strikes gastric emptying and/or slows energy and nutrient absorption (a fiber-rich meal, which is also usually richer in micronutrients, is processed more belatedly and nutrient absorption occurs over a greater period of time99), confidential information to lower post-prandial glucose and lipid levels. Furthermore, addition of dietetical fiber to a low-calorie diet has been shown to lead to a significantly greater weight release (8. 0 kg) compared with placebo (5. 8 kg). 100 When post-menopausal women consumed higher fiber diets, this was associated with significant weight loss. 101 A high Downloaded from imr. sagepub. com by guest on March 27, 2013 8 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al. The health benefits of soluble fiber carbohydrate diet consumed ad libitum (i. e. elf-regulating), without energy restriction or change in energy brainchild, caused significant form weight and body fat losses in older men and wome n, with a significant decrease in thigh fat area (P = 0. 003). 102 A review of the effects of increased fiber (high-fiber foods or supplementation) on smart, satiety, energy inhalation and body weight revealed that controlled energy ambition with increased dietetic fiber led to an increase in post-meal satiety and a decrease in subsequent yearning. 103 With ad libitum energy intake, increased dietetic fiber (14 g/day) resulted in an middling 10% decrease in energy intake and 1. 9 kg weight loss over 3. 8 months of disturbance. The effects of increasing dietary fiber were reported to be greater in rotund individuals.When evaluating the effects of 1 week of supplementation with soluble fiber (guar gum, 40 g/day) on hunger, satiety rating and energy intake, mean day-by-day energy intake change magnitude significantly from 6. 7 to 5. 4 MJ, while hunger and satiety scores did not change. 104 long (4 5 weeks) judgment of wheat dextrin (30 or 45 g/day) supplementation demonst rated a trend towards better weight maintenance compared with baseline, body weight was increased in the control group supplemented with unmixed absorbable maltodextrin (+0. 87 kg P = 0. 07), whereas body weight remained stable in the wheat dextrin-treated groups (+0. 0 kg). 35 sometimes stool frequency. 9,54 Psyllium significantly increased stool frequency and stool weight, increased stool water content, ameliorate stool consistency, increased the frequency of bowel movements and reduced pain on defecation. 55 59 Administration of PHGG for 3 weeks increased the frequency of defecation (+0. 17 /day), increased fecal moisture (+5%) and decreased fecal pH. 50 Supplementation with PHGG also helped to reduce the use of evacuants (from an average of 2. 0 to 0. 2 doses/day). 105 Wheat dextrin (100 g/day) had a positive effect on fecal output in healthy men,3 with an average 45% increase in wet fecal weight (P 0. 05) and 70% increase in dry fecal output (P 0. 02) (Fig. 3). DIARRHEA I ncreased intake of soluble fiber may enhance recovery and improve stool consistency in play. ,5,106 109 Persistent diarrhea resolved in more children taking PHGG (84%) compared with those on the control diet (62%) (odds ratio 3. 12), while the term of diarrhea was reduced and there was a trend towards reduction in free-and-easy stool weight that reached significance on days 4 7. 6 Compared with non-fiber control in children, PHGG significantly reduced the mean frequency of diarrhea (8. 8% versus 32. 0% P = 0. 001), resulted in significantly less days with diarrhea per total nourishment days (10. 8% versus 31. 5% P 0. 001) and led to a significantly lower mean diarrhea score (4. 8 versus 9. 4 P 0. 001). 110 PHGG also suppressed diarrhea caused by the ingestion of high levels of non-digestible sugar substitutes. 11 In remote patients with diarrhea, 4-week supplementation with soluble dietary fiber (7 g/day) significantly reduced the water content of feces (P 0. 01), the fe cal pH (P 0. 05) and the frequency of nonchalant bowel movements (P 0. 05). 5 In addition, the fecal characteristics improved The role of soluble fiber in complaint CONSTIPATION Increased daily fiber intake can remediate constipation. 40,49,52 59 Consumption of inulin or oligofructose was shown to increase fecal weight,53 inulin reduced constipation2 and polydextrose increased fecal mass and Downloaded from imr. sagepub. com by guest on March 27, 2013 9 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al.The health benefits of soluble fiber and the total level of SCFAs increased significantly (P 0. 05). 5 In patients with fecal incontinence, significantly a few(prenominal) incontinent stools were observed in those who consumed dietary fiber (psyllium or gum arabic) than those receiving placebo. 4 Improvements in fecal incontinence or stool consistency did not appear to be related to unfermented dietary fiber. However, the effects of increased soluble fiber on diarrhea are inconclus ive, as a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials found no evidence that dietary fiber was effective in treating diarrhea. 112 randomized studies would be useful to confirm the potentially beneficial effects of soluble fiber in IBS.DIVERTICULOSIS A diet low in fiber is thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of diverticular unsoundness. 114 Increasing dietary fiber produces bulky, soft stools, facilitating defecation and reducing intracolonic blackmail. 114 Increased fiber also helps to promote regular bowel function and is of import in imperious and minimizing diverticular illness. 115 117 Non-viscous soluble fiber is associated with a decreased run a take chances of diverticular disease and an expediency of bowel pain. 115 In patients with diverticulosis, it is recommended that patients consume 20 35 g/day of fiber either through the diet or supplementation. 118 IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROMETreatment for ill-natured bowel syndrome (IBS) is aimed at alleviating symp toms. In patients with batty symptoms, fiber supplementation (particularly non-gelling soluble fibers) may help to relieve the severity and frequency of IBS symptoms, including abdominal pain, spasms or distension/tension, bowel dysfunction (e. g. fluctuation between constipation and diarrhea) and flatulence. 8,9,113 PHGG was better tolerated than wheat bran and more pronto accepted by IBS patients, resulting in an improved quality of life during the treatment period. 113 PHGG also had a positive effect on evacuation frequency with a decrease in the frequency of IBS symptoms such as flatulence, abdominal tension and abdominal spasm. 13 Based on its physiological properties, wheat dextrin may also help to allay gastrointestinal symptoms associated with IBS through increased fecal output,3 enhanced prebiotic capabilities35,45 and significant but slow fermentation in the lower intestine, producing high concentrations of SCFAs but lower amounts of gas, which could be an important aspe ct in relieving the discomfort caused by IBS. 17 However, double- cheat, HEMORRHOIDS A low-fiber diet is thought to contribute to the etiology of hemorrhoids. 119 Increasing the fiber content in the diet can have a beneficial effect in the treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids. 120,121 A recent meta-analysis demonstrated that increased fiber reduced the endangerment of bleeding and decreased the rate of recurrence of hemorrhoids,120 while a Cochrane review found that the risk of not improving hemorrhoids and having persisting symptoms decreased by 53% with increased intake of fiber, with a significant reduction in bleeding. 121CARDIOVASCULAR complaint A number of studies have consistently found that a fiber-enriched diet (14 g fiber/1000 kcal energy) is associated with a significant reduction (16 33%) in the risk of coronary spirit disease (CHD). 19,20,122 126 A pooled analysis of studies evaluating dietary fiber Downloaded from imr. sagepub. com by guest on March 27, 2013 10 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al. The health benefits of soluble fiber intake in the USA and Europe indicated that each 10 g/day increase in total fiber intake was associated with a 14% decrease in the risk of coronary events (e. g. myocardial infarction), and a 24% decrease in deaths from CHD. 9 A count on the relationship between dietary fiber and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among women over a 10-year period showed that the ageadjusted copulation risk for major CVD was 0. 53 for women devour the highest amount of fiber (22. 9 g/day) compared with those on the lowest fiber intake (11. 5 g/day). 125 Although few interventional studies have specifically assessed fiber intake on the risk of CVD, increased fiber has been shown to ameliorate some of the risk factors for CVD (e. g. high cholesterol levels, high blood wedge, corpulency and diabetes). For example, fiber can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels and so may be important to cardiovascular health . 5,16,81,127 devour foods rich in viscous soluble fibers has been shown to reduce blood levels of LDL-C by 10 15%, with an expected reduction in CVD events of 10 15%, and it has been stated that a diet including 5 10 g/day of viscous soluble fiber reduces CVD events and death independent of baseline risk. 18 Although the cholesterol-lowering effect of soluble ( in particular viscous) fibers probably contributes the most to its cardioprotective effects, other mechanisms are likely to play a role. As part of a lifestyle accommodation chopine, fiber can help to reduce blood insisting significantly,128 supporting research that found that highfiber intake was inversely associated with the risk of high blood pressure or high blood pressure. 129,130 Two intervention trials found that increased fiber intake resulted in significant reductions in blood pressure compared with placebo. 31,132 In an analysis of the connectedness between nutrient intake and risk of stroke, dietary fiber was inversely gibe to the relative incidence of stroke, a relationship that was stronger in hypertensive than normotensive men. 133 Fiber is also effective at reducing the risk of diabetes and, thus, the risk of developing CVD, and can improve glycemic and insulinemic indices12,14,69 71 and decrease blood glucose and insulin levels. 13,16,72 Lowfiber, high-glycemic load diets are associated with higher serum triglyceride levels and lower HDL-C levels, which are risk factors for CVD. 134,135 Increased fiber consumption may also help control body weight and support a weight reduction program by helping to reduce obesity and, possibly, the associated risk of CVD. 94 104 Safety aspects of fiber supplementationReduced absorption of trace elements has traditionally been proposed as a potential negative effect of dietary fiber intake136,137 however, it is unbelievable that healthy adults who consume fiber in amounts within the recommended ranges will have problems with nutrient absor ption. In fact, clinical data demonstrate that soluble fibers (e. g. inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, wheat dextrin) may positively affect the absorption of definite minerals. 3,10,11,64,65 excitement of dietary fiber by anaerobic bacteria in the large intestine produces gas (including hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide), which may be related to complaints of distention or flatulence, especially with high intakes of fiber. An increase in dietary fiber should also be accompanied by an increase in facile intake, and fiber should be increased in stages to allow the gastrointestinal tract time to adapt.Normal laxation may be achieved with relatively small amounts of dietary Downloaded from imr. sagepub. com by guest on March 27, 2013 11 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al. The health benefits of soluble fiber fiber, and the smallest intake that results in normal laxation should be used. 138 Nevertheless, wheat dextrin has been shown to be well tolerated even up to the re latively high intake of 45 g/day. 51 Higher daily intakes (60 and 80 g) resulted in greater flatulence (P 0. 05) and some bloating compared with placebo, but no intake resulted in diarrhea. fiber can have beneficial effects on constipation, diarrhea and the symptoms of IBS.Soluble fiber also has additional positive effects on cardiovascular health, tip to a significant risk reduction of CHD. Thus, this review of the physiological effects and subsequent health benefits of soluble fibers suggests that daily fiber supplementation could be beneficial in those individuals who are at risk of inadequate fiber in their diet. Most servings of common foods contain between 1 and 3 g of dietary fiber so it may be difficult to consume the recommended amounts of fiber. dietary assessment programs can estimate fiber intake for different population groups, allowing the identification of groups that have deficient fiber intake.At an individual level, fiber intake can be generally estimated based o n servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains having 2 g of dietary fiber per serving, and servings of legumes having 5 g of dietary fiber per serving. get a line from high-fiber cereals or fiber supplements can be added to these totals. Wheat dextrin is one example of a soluble fiber supplement that has been shown to help normalize bowel function and is well tolerated, even at large intakes. It is slowly but extensively fermented, leading to a significantly high production of SCFAs, while its slow fermentation profile could help minimize the undesirable effects of gas production and flatulence. Wheat dextrin has also demonstrated enhanced prebiotic capabilities when used at an intake of 30 45 g/day.Based on its physiological properties, supplementation with wheat dextrin should be useful in individuals that need to complete their dietary intake with a fiber in order to achieve the daily recommended dietary levels of fiber. Conclusion Review of the evidence indicates that sol uble, fermentable fibers, including wheat dextrin, have positive physiological effects that may help to improve bowel regularity and result in some health benefits. Soluble fibers are fermented in the large intestine, leading to the production of SCFAs that lower colonic pH and result in a significant prebiotic effect in which the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora (e. g. ifidobacteria, lactobacilli) and fecal glucosidase concentrations are increased, while the growth of pH-sensitive pathogenic bacteria (e. g. clostridia) is prevented or suppressed. In this way, SCFAs could promote normal bowel regularity and may help to reduce serum glucose and cholesterol levels. SCFAs also positively influence the absorption and retention of accepted micronutrients (e. g. calcium, magnesium, zinc), and may improve immune function by stimulating the production of immunoprotective factors (e. g. T helper cells, antibodies) and improving the barrier properties of the colonic mucosal layer. Soluble fibers that are slowly yet extensively fermented in the large intestine (e. g. heat dextrin) are tolerated more easily than those that ferment quickly, as the last mentioned can produce larger amounts of gas in a shorter period of time, leading to bloating and flatulence. By improving digestive balance, regularity and hydration in the gut, soluble Downloaded from imr. sagepub. com by guest on March 27, 2013 12 JL Slavin, V Savarino, A Paredes-Diaz et al. The health benefits of soluble fiber Acknowledgments Editorial support was given by Deborah Nock, DPP-Cordell Ltd, Saxthorpe, UK. Funding for the review was provided by Novartis Consumer Health, Nyon, Switzerland. Conflicts of absorb Alberto Paredes-Diaz and Grigorios Fotopoulos were Novartis Consumer Health, employees at the time of manuscript preparation.The other authors had no conflicts of interest to declare in relation to this article. Received for publication 8 September 2008 Accepted subject to revision 9 Septem ber 2008 Revised accepted 11 December 2008 Copyright 2009 business line House Publishing LLP References 1 cummings JH The effect of dietary fiber on fecal weight and composition. In CRC vade mecum of dietetic Fiber in forgiving feed (Spiller GA, ed), 2nd edn. Boca Raton CRC Press, 1993 pp 263 349. 2 Kleessen B, Sykura B, Zunft HJ, et al make of inulin and lactose on fecal microflora, microbial occupation, and bowel habit in elderly constipated persons. 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